Tsundere Mr snake x gender neutral reader

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(3rd person pov):

You were dating the one and only Mr snake you loved him a lot but you wished he wasn't so cold towards you. " Good morning Snake!" you yelled while hugging him. "Get off of me you know I like my personal space!" Snake yelled back at you "You know that I also like your personal space." you said while laughing a little. "That doesn't matter get off!" he yelled. "Fine." you said groaning "So how's your day going so far?" you asked "Well it was great until you decided to invade my personal space." Snake explained "It was just a hug." you replied "Yeah, but I didn't like it." Snake said "Then why do you let Wolf hug you?" you asked "Because I knew him longer then you and plus he's not annoying!" Snake yelled angry that you keep on asking him questions. You couldn't help but feel a little hurt when he called you annoying. You always acted like what he said never hurt you but it really did. You just wanted to make sure that he called you annoying before you could fully feel hurt "Did you just call me annoying?" you asked "Yes, yes I did now can you just shut up for once!" Snake yelled frustrated. "Sorry..." was all you said as you guys were walking out the door. You guys went to the cafe you guys go to every day and ordered what you guys normally have then sat at the table you, Snake, and Wolf normally sit at and this time he was the one late. Wolf then took a seat and apologized for being late. Snake and Wolf started to talk but this time you didn't jump into the conversation. "So how are you today (name)?" Wolf asked you "um I'm doing really g-good how about you?" you asked when you realized you stuttered and you never stutter. "Well I'm doing really good but are you sure you're okay because you like never stutter?" Wolf asked you were about to say you were fine but then snake said "Their probably upset that I told them to stop hugging me because I didn't like it." Snake was right you were upset but not at that. "No I'm fine really I just didn't expect you to say anything to me that's all." You replied. When you guys were done eating and drinking you and Snake left to go home as soon as you went though the door Snake pulled you over to the couch and started to cuddle with you. "I know something is wrong so just tell me." Snake said "Well this morning when I hugged you it was fine that you didn't like it and it was fine when you said you let Wolf hug you because you knew him longer but you didn't have to yell at me or say that I was annoying..." You replied "I um I'm sorry I was a jerk this morning." He said "And I know I don't say this much but I love you." He added. After that you guys just laid there in silence the comfortable type of silence.

(This was requested by: @Everest_Eclipse, and sorry if this was not what you wanted it was all I thought of to write.)

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