Mr snake x male reader

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(This was requested by: @Latteking254)

(3rd person pov):

You were walking to your house from a stressful day at work. You were so tired and all you needed was to be was with your boyfriend Snake. You soon stopped in front of your house and unlocked the door. "Hey, so how was your day?" Snake asked "Stressful and very bad." you replied honestly. "Can we just cuddle for right now?" you then asked "Okay, come on." you both went to your bedroom. He then wrapped his body around you. You eventually fell asleep.

(Snakes pov):

Now that he's asleep I can try and make us dinner. The key word is try.

(3rd person pov):

You woke up to a nice smell coming from the kitchen. You went to the kitchen to see what it was. "Hey what are you making?" You asked Snake only to see it was your favourite food. "I um I just wanted to make us dinner, like a romantic one." Snake replied nervous. You guys then art dinner together. "This is nice. You said. "I couldn't agree more." Snake said.

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