Mr piranha x male reader

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(3rd person pov):

You were walking down the streets when you ran into Piranha. Everyone was screaming and running the opposite direction that you were. Some random person yelled "Are you crazy?! The bad guys coming run!" At you. And that's when you saw them. You knew who they were you just weren't scared of them. You then see a wallet on the ground and opened it up to see that it was Piranha's wallet. "Hey excuse me Piranha but you dropped this." You said walking towards him. "Um thanks, I guess." He said surprised that anyone would even walk up to him let alone give something back to him. The whole entire team looked surprised that you did that. "What?" You asked them "Nothing it's just that we aren't use to people being nice to us." Piranha explained. "Oh um okay." You paused to grab a piece of paper and write something down "here." You said give the piece of paper. He looked down at the paper to see that it was your phone number. "Why would I need you phone number?" He asked "Just in case you want to hang out in the future." You said smiling. He started to blush a little and the rest of the bad guys could see it. You started to walk away smiling and waved "Well I better get going, bye." You said as you left. "So you and the dude?" Tarantula asked with a smirk. 



Hey,can we hang out today?

                                                                                           Who is this?

It's me Piranha.

                                                                                          Okay, sure I have nothing planed toda.

See you at 3pm?

                                                                                         Alright see you then.


(3rd person pov):

You guys decided to go to a cafe. You waited until for Piranha when you heard screaming. That is when you knew that he was here. "Hey." Piranha said "Hi it's so great to see you again!" You said. He was confused. Why were you being nice to him. "I'll be paying." He said "I wanted to but okay." You said. "Well it is only fair since I was the one with the idea you know." He relied. "Yeah I guess your right."You said. He decided to try flirting with you. "Are you angel? Because your looking fine." He said to you "No I'm not an angel silly I'm a person." You replied trying to hold in laughter because you thought that he was asking if you an angel and didn't think he was flirting with you. 


by trying to do a flip a miserably failing.

By 'buying' you things.

By singing to you.

And nothing worked because you were so oblivious.

So he decided that he was going to confess his love for you after like a year of trying to impress you.

(Piranha's pov): 

This is my chance to confess. I bought (name) some flowers. I made sure that they were his favorite flower.

(3rd person pov):

Piranha was walking up to you with a bouquet of flowers. "Hey (name) there is something I um I've been wanting to tell you like mounts by now..." Piranha said "Okay tell me." You said "Okay um (name) I like you a lot." He said to you "Well I do to after all you are my best friend." You replied and the whole bad guys crew was there trying to hype Piranha. "No I me and as in I have a crush on you." He said nervously as he held out the flowers. You took them and said nothing. But just as he thought you were friend zoning him or got up to leave you kissed him on the cheek. "I do too." Was all you said before hugging him.

(This was requested by:@latteking254)

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