Wolf x male reader x Snake

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(This was requested by: Winter0Phoenix)

You and you're boyfriends where talking in the kitchen while making food. You cut the vegetables, Wolf cut and cooked the meat, and Snake was just there. While you were distracted talking you accidentally cut one of your finger. You felt extreme pain running through your hand. You looked and saw a lot of blood and a part of your finger. Then you started to cry. "Sweetheart is every thing okay?!" Wolf said as he stopped what he was and walked over to you only to see you holding your hand in pain and some of your finger. Wolf told Snake to get stuff to help the bleeding subside as he got the car keys. Snake was confused until he saw what had happened. Once they got a bandage you Wolf carried you to the car and started to drive while Snake was in the back comforting you and applying pressure to the wound.

(Sorry that this was short. And sorry Winter0Phoenix if this isn't what you wanted. If it isn't then I'll make another one.)

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