↝ six

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The group hid in the bus, waiting for the creature to come.

"So...you're 100% it wasn't a bear?" Max said

"Nope" Steve said

"Shit, no, don't be an idiot okay? If you don't believe us, why are you even here?" Dustin said as he paced around the bud

"Someone's cranky, past your bedtime?" Max said in a rude tone before climbing up

Dustin went to the drivers seat to look around, leaving Emmy and Steve alone

"Hey, Steve?" Emmy said, Steve turned to look at her, "You've been acting weird all day...and—I don't know—I just..." She said but paused, trying to think

"What is it?" Steve asked

"Is there something you're not telling me?" She said, making Steve pause

"What? No—no, why would you say that?" Steve asked

Before Emmy could speak, a loud growl was heard, the two ran to the front seat, looking around to see the creature

"What the hell is that" Emmy mumbled as she saw the creature standing not too far from the meat

"Why isn't it eating?" Steve asked

"Sick of meat?" Dustin said

"I have an idea" Steve said, he grabbed his nail bat and left the bus

"No! No! Steve—what are you doing get back here!" Emmy yelled

Steve stood in front of the thing, Emmy's heart pumped so fast she could hear it.

Steve can't die, right? Please don't die, please please. I can't handle this.

Emmy's eyes widened at the sight of more of that thing, they were basically surrounding Steve.

"Steve! Behind you!" She screamed so loud that he could hear her even when she was inside the bus

He turned to see all those creatures surrounding him, he was definitely regretting this now. He tried to get away from them, once he finally managed, Emmy opened the bud door and he ran to her, she quickly pulled him inside and grabbed his face, checking if those things hurt him

"Don't ever do that again" She breathed out and Steve stared right into her eyes, before he could say anything, the sounds of Dustin and the others screaming snapped them back to what was happening

One of them got to roof and just as it was about to jump in, it turned as if it was hearing something, suddenly all of them ran in one direction, leaving everyone confused

Dustin opened the bud door and everyone got out, looking around

"Steve scared em off?" Dustin said

"No way" Steve said, shaking his head as he looked around, "They're going somewhere"

Everyone got moving, while Emmy was walking with them, she flinched at any sudden movement. She was definitely not used to all this, and what confused her is that everyone seemed perfectly fine.

"Hey, it's okay" Steve said, gently holding her hand

"Steve, just tell me the truth" She said, Steve was about to say something, but was cut off by the sounds of Dustin and Lucas bickering

He didn't really care to stop them, and kept avoiding Emmy's question. He then got distracted by something and Emmy noticed

"Guys?" Steve said, but they kept bickering

"Guys" Steve said once again but it didn't work

"Guys!" He finally yelled, making them shut up, they all headed towards the odd sound, Lucas used his binoculars to look around

"It's the lab" Lucas said, "They're going back"

𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 ❀ 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝗼𝐧Where stories live. Discover now