❀Chapter one❀

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Third person pov:

Wind was blowing and crickets were around the home of the carpenter's, the only person home was the youngest daughter tara. Well only because of her sister. She doesn't like talking about her sister.
The landline rang making her jump; she had been texting her partner, trying to get them to go over to her home. It had read 'blocked caller'

'Convince me' y/n texted

And then again it landline rings again

'No parents. Free dinner, many binge watch options' Tara replied 'gotta do better'. Tara smiled at her phone and looked around the house to see if anyone was around and grabbed her phone and snapped a picture of the food she was making 'i will make you a huge amount of noodles' tara sent

Her phone rang 'sold' y/n replied, making tara laugh, and again the landline had rang 'my landline wont stop ringing' tara sent to y/n 'you think it's wes?" y/n sent 'most likely'

Tara went to grab a spoon to move the noodles, and then her phone rang 'its still ringing' tara texted 'just call it and see what they want it might be someone from the group' y/n texted, tara walked over to the phone " hello?" Tara said into the phone "hello. Is Susan there?" the voice said

"Sorry she's not available. May I take a message?" Tara said "is this her daughter?" the man said "may i take a message?" Tara said again, "Sorry, yeah , I'm a friend of her...shit." the man said "from her shit?" Tara said "um, just tell her I'm from the group. I'm charlie. She has my number" the voice said "she goes to a group?" tara said

No answer... "look, i shouldn't have...just tell her charlie called." The voice said "I will do exactly that, Charlie, oce you tell me what kind of group we're talking about." tara said walking to close the door, and getting the key to the wine room fro her and y/n

"I don't think i can-" "AA? NA? If so, it 's about time-''''I'm really sorry I bothered you" the voice said "does she talk about me in this group?" Tara asked while she was waiting for a response she texted y/n 'I think this is mom's new bf' Tara texted 'seriously??' y/n texted back "she loves you very much" the voice said "what does she love about me" tara asked "i don't-" "you're in a little bit in deep shit here, charlie, because from what i understand, anonymity is kinda the cornerstone of there bad boys, so since you've already screwed that particular pooch, i propose you answer my questions u dont tell susan you blew up her alcoholics narcotics, gambling, and kleptomaniacs anonymous cover, deal?" Tara said.

There was silence and then the voice took a deep breath "she loves that you're creative. You love art, tv and movies-''''lots of people love movies' Tara said "she says you love scary movies. And that you guys have that in common. She's proud of making a fan out of you" the voice said, this makes taras eyes go wide "she is?'' Tara said "she told me the other day she was wondering...what's your favorite scary movie?" the voice "the babadook. It's an amazing meditation on motherhood and griet" tara said.'' Isn't that a little fancy pants?" the voice said "well, its elevated horror" tara said "what's that mean, elevated horror?" the voice said 'you know, like....scary, what with complex emotional and thematic underpinnings. Not just schlocky cheese ball nonsense" tara said "sounds kinda boring to me. Have you ever seen a stab?" the voice, tara furrows her brow. "Once , i think..at a sleepover when I was like 12" tara said "you live in woodsboro and you don't know stab?" the voice said

'It's not my thinking. I mean talk about schlocky and cheeseball, isn't tori spelling the lead in most of them-?" Tara said "your mother loves that movie. She talks about it all the time in a group. How well do you remember the original?" the voice said, tara turned off the noodles ''i don't know, i was like super '90s. Really over-lit and everyone had weird hair" tara said "do you remember the beginning?' the voice said "not really, it starts with a kill scene right? They always start with a kill scene" tara said "that right. Its a girl at home alone. She answers a wrong number and starts talking with the killer, who makes her play a game" there was a long pause, tara opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the voice over the phone "would you like to play a game?" the voice said sounding more creepier

"Fuck you, youre weird.'' Tara said, slamming the phone on the counter, now scared 'it was some psycho. I'm locking the doors' tara texted y/n, tara then used an app on her phone that locked all the doors and windows, they made a noise showing that they locked, and then her phone rang that she got a text 'wtf?? You okay?' y/n said

Tara started writing back 'im fine, i just-' cut off as the landline rings again, making her jump. She stares at it, it still ringing. "Fuck that" tara whispered. A text sound from her phone. From y/n 'you should answer it' it read. It took tara a second to realize what the text had said 'how did you know my landline was ringing' tara texted back

There was no answer, she hated double texting but she did anyway 'y/n?" she texted. She stared at the screen. The response comes back 'this isnt y/n' tara stares at it. numb . a new text comes 'i did enjoy a photo you sent this morning tho the text said, this made tara ill. She hugs herself, exposed. She starts to text back back when is comes in

'ANSWER THE PHONE BITCH.' tara getting scared open phone and began to call 911 'ANSWER THE PHONE OR Y/N DIES' this made tara run to the landline "y/n this isnt fucking funny" tara said but was cut off "i told you this isnt y/n" the same voice from earlier said, another texted coming in it was a link to a snapchat.

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