chapter nine

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Third person pov:

"And when have I ever listened to you?" Gale said, "Like a mother, like a child?'Dewey said,'' You just couldn't resist a good story, could you?" Dewey said " I  wanted to see my kid. And check on you, dewey" gale said wrapping her arm around y/n. Dewey looks past Gale, and sees her camera crew setting up. Give her a look. Gale exhales "okay, yes, my producer does want me to cover this for obvious reasons. But 90 percent was because of you...and y/n" gale said

Dewey walks away "i feel 90% better" dewey says "don't be like that" gale says following him, y/n behind her "didn't seem to care hot i was the last couple years, did you?' Dewey said "that goes both ways. Don't pretend we ended things-" gale said but stopped and looked at y/n ''sweetie. Can you go with Samantha for a bit?" gale said, y/n raised their eyebrows and shook their head, looked for sam and saw that she was yelling at a cop

"Who is at the hospital watching my sister?!" Sam yelled "i-" the deputy said and walked away. Sam typed in her phone and ran to her car "come on richie! Pick up- holy shit!!!" sam yelled when y/n got in the car with her "what the fuck y/n, why are you here?" Sam said "drive and I'll call netflix from your phone" y/n said "okay okay." sam said

y/n went on sam's phone and saw that sam had left a bunch of messages to tara. "Sam, these movies are fucked up." Richie said as he answered the phone "richie.." "there are no black people in the first one, so they cast two famous black actors in the second  one and then kill them before the opening credits-' "richie"

"And apparently gay poeple didnt exist in this universe until stab 4" richie said, sam looked at y/n.. And then the phone said "richie! He's killed two more people! Wes and his mother.' richiesta up. From the bed he was in "he killed the sheriff? You can do that? Are you okay?" Richie said "no I'm not okay" Sam said. A knock on the backseat window, it was dewey 'i've got to go, i'll call you back" sam said unlocking the car "dewey what're you doing?" sam said

"Where are you going?" Dewey said, "my sister is in trouble! y/n's girlfriend is in trouble!" Sam yelled, y/n's eyes going wide "how did you-" y/n said 'we will talk about it later! When my sister is safe!' sam yelled, she drove full sped

{hospital-taras room}

Tara was watching tv. She keeps looking at her phone seeing that y/n. Haven't texted her and tara felt like something was wrong and saw that it had gone quiet no one was taping the keys to the computer. And no one was saying "hello?" tara said "fuck this." tara said

She eyes the WHEELCHAIR next to her bed. The problem is her injuries, specifically the knife wound in her hand, wrapped in gauze. And the casts on her left arm and right leg and her stitches in her stomach and back. Slowly, painfully, Tara tries to raise herself out of the bed and into the chair. Using her good hand and her elbow. It is painfully slow. "Oh jesus...okay" tara said she lowered herself into the wheelchair with great pain banging her left leg. Tears in her eyes. Stifles a scream. She stopped listening for footsteps, there were some like someone was running. Rolled the wheels and her hand started to sting she looked and realized the cut had opened

"Tara!" She heard a voice yell, and slowly looked out of the door and saw someone running to her. She panicked and hid behind the door and grabbed something with a cord and hid "tara you in here- now! What the fuck!" y/n yelled as tara hit them in the leg with the cord "oh my god- i'm so sorry" tara said covering her mouth, they heard a bang, and y/n hurried up and closed the door, slowly trying not to make noise. "What are you doing here?" Tara whispered "Sam drove me here, ghostface is here-" "how do- know' Tara said but cut her sentence off because of her hand "holy shit- what did you do?" y/n whispered "answer my question" tara said "he killed the nurse. And a deputy" y/n said "what are we gonna do?" tara said, y/n stood up and lifted their shirt, showing tara the gun she took

"Where did you get that from!?" tara whispered yelled, "my dad, and mom had guns for you know" y/n said "come on let's get out of here" once y/n opened up taras door, and ghostface ran into the run and y/n punched him and he got up and lifted the knife. "Tara, go to the elevator!" y/n yelled, ghostface then pushed y/n into a wall, making them fall, the ghostface ran right for tara who was trying to push the wheelchair as fast as she could. y/n slowly got up and walked behind ghostface jumping on them, ghostface spun around and ran backwards into a wall. y/n let out a groan and let go of the ghostface and was on the ground trying to get back up. But couldn't tara still trying to make it.

Ghostface pushed tara off the wheelchair, making her fall and now she was crawling. Ghostface grabbed the phone out of their pocket, but Richie comes out of nowhere and pushes ghostface. y/n got up and walked to tara "love, u gotta get up" y/n said grabbing tara's arm. y/n heard richir scream and saw that ghostface had cut richie's forearm, somehow knocking him out, ghostface looked at y/n and tara and slowly walked towards the lovers, and swang at y/n's face making them fall and hold their nose that was now bleeding "you bitch!-" y/n said but was cut off by ghostface hitting them making them fully lay on the ground unable to get up.

Ghost's face looked at y/n tilted. Looked at Tara and saw her crawling away. And pulled out a phone and called Samantha ''hello, samantha. Rich can come to the phone right now due to his impending death." ghostface said into richie's phone, tara was now next to the nurse conter of the private room "please, please don't kill him!" Sam said, "This is what happens to people who stick their noses in business that had nothing to do with them." Ghostface pauses and looks at tara. "Or....should i carve up little sis again instead? Tell you what, you can choose. I'll only kill one. Who do you want to hear die?" the ghostface said.

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