chapter eight

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{TW: mention of blood and blades,}

Third person pov:

[hicks house: wes hicks and judy hicks]

The sun was still out wes had just made it home, Judy was on the phone talking to someone, not in her police uniform but in a yoga-like outfit "and extra soy. Thank you. I'll be there in ten minutes." judy said she hear someone open the door "hey,tiger" judy said she turns to go into the living room "hey, mom" wes said looking up at his mom "are you being safe" judy says, wes takes out a can of pepper spray and a taser "to the point where my friends mock me, yes. What's for dinner?' Wes said "sushi. I was just leaving to pick it up." Judy said, "You don't want to postmates it?" Wes said "it's always smooshy when it gets here, I know how you hate that. Go and take a shower, I'll be back soon and remember: 7-2-5-8." judy says "7-2-5-8" wes said, she kisses him on the cheek and head out the front door

{judy's car}

Judy was driving , and she saw on the streets and sideways and saw a potential suspect. Someone had called her and she didn't recognize the number "sheriff hicks.'' Judy says when she answers the phone ' 'hello, sheriff judy' ' the voice said, '' Judy knows who it was. "Who is this?" Judy asked, "I think you know, I'm a fan of scary movies. And knives. What's your favorite scary movie?" the voice asked "i prefer animated films and musicals, why are you doing this?" judy says, she takes the phone and starts to text her deputy 'killer on line, need track'

"I'll tell you all about it. I'm calling to turn myself in'' the killer says "i think that's a great idea." Judy says "we'll sit down at the station and I'll tell you about the two people I've killed." the killer said "you've only killed one person"judy said "but by time i see you, i'll have gutted you baby boy.'' The killer said, judy pulls a u-turn in traffic and turns her sirens on. And sped back home

She tried to call wes but he didn't pick up "come on! Pick up! Wes" judy said wes phone goes to voicemail "fuck" judy says "i want units at home! Now!" Judy said as she called the police "can't get him on the phone, can you? He must be busy." the killer said "how do i know you're anywhere near him?" Judy said "ever seen the movie Psycho" the killer said, Judy slams her foot on the gas "please..please don't hurt my boy" Judy says on the verge of tears "why not?" the killer said "because..i love him very much. He's a good kid and never hurt anyone...or anything" judy said "that's not enough" the killer said

"please ...ill do anything" judy said "you're not going to make it in time, sheriff judy." the killer said

{hicks house, upstairs bathroom}

Wes washes the shampoo out of his hair, and he looks like his about done but he grabs conditioner

{same time bout outside of hicks home}

"Wes!' Judy yells as she runs to the door of her home "Wes, I'm coming!" she yells, but ghostface pops out from behind the bushes and stabs judy on the chest, and then does it again, and again. Making Judy fall to the ground onto her front lawn. Ghostface straddles her, stabbing her in the chest again, she pulls off the mask recognition in her eyes...before the light goes out of them.

{inside the house}

Wes is done with the shower and heads down stairs he had heard the door open, he saw that the door was wide open, and went open and shut the door once he turned around he saw ghostface standing behind him, and he went and then saw ghostface pull out his knife and pulled it went to wes' throat and wes tried to reach for his taser but he was to distracted the knife went right into his next, and blood coming out and ghostface pulled out his knife and went to wipe off wes's blood off the knife, ghost face tilted his head. And walked away.

{same car right after wes death}

"Thanks for the lift sam i really didn't wanna be home with my da- with dewey" y/n said getting in sam's car "dont worry about it, where do you wanna go" sam asked "i was think i could go check on tara?" y/n said, sam nodding her head, as they were driving, there were people and cops in the street. "What the hell?" y/n said. Sam stopped the car door. And y/n got out "its at wes home!" y/n yelled running towards the house "miss, you can't be here" deputy farney said to sam "sir, her son, wes. My he?" y/n asked, they could read on the deputy face that wes had died

"No, no. He can't be, he was always prepared for this type of shit!" y/n yelled "y/n calm down" sam said holding y/n and hugging them, sam looked over y/n shoulder and saw a woman the women she saw on dewey's tv "are you okay?" the women said tapping y/n on the shoulder, they looked eyes gone wide "mom?!" y/n said "oh my- my baby" gale weathers said, y/n gave gale and hug crying into their mom's shoulder, y/n pulled away "umm mom you remember sam, right?" y/n said looking at sam

"Yeah the girl that I'd pay 20 dollars to watch you" gale said "what happened?" gale asked looking at y/n ''wes..wes and- his mom are dead. Ghostface had killed them" y/n said wiping their tears gale looks around the house "dewey.." gale said, y/n following gale's gaze. Gale started walking over there "go with her" sam said "gale?what are you-" dewey got cut off by gale smacking him in the chest repeatedly "mom there" y/n said grabbing her "a text/ you tell me ghostface is back in text?"gale said

"Ow! You were in the air!"Dewey said, "How do you know?' gale said "a hunch" dewey said "he watches your show every morning" y/n said standing next to gale, gale smiled "you look good are you writing?" Dewey said while glaring at his kid "no time." she said "you were always happiest when you were writing-" "are you drunk?" Gale said "always. I told you not to come" dewey said

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