chapter ten

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TW: mention/describing blood.

{hospital private floor}

Tara, weeping. Trying to wheel her way to the elevators. Wheel never made it. Ghostface strolled behind her at a leisurely pace, taunting her with the knife. "Why are you doing this?" Sam said over the phone "oh come on, sam. Didn't daddy always say it was a lot scarier when there was no motive?' ghostface said. Ghostface now behind tara "now choose. Or i killed them both, or i will kill y/n riley-weather" ghostface said "no! Don't hurt any of them please they mean too much to me '' Sam said, Richie managed to get to his knees, but Ghostface kicked him in the head, flipping him over on his back. "Or you can save the man you love all you have to do is say 'kill tara' and ill put her out her misery" ghostface said "i...i cant" sam said

Sam was now breaking down "really? You can save your own sister? All you can do is say 'kill richie" ghostface said

"Please , no," Sam said, " choose now. Last chance to save one" ghostface said. tara , still trying to claw her way to the elevators which are 5o feet away. Sam, through the phone, near whispering. "I cant." Sam said. Ghostface looks at Richie and Tara. "You want to know why I'm doing this, sam? Maybe it's because you're a selfish botch who can't even make a decision to save the life of someone you love! Maybe it's because you're too weak for this franchise!' ghostface said. Sam crying uncontrollably

"Maybe...maybe you're right, '' Sam said. But as ghostface steps over tara for the kill, sam voice completely changes- no longer crying, noe completely calm "...or maybe i'm stalling for time, fuckface" ding the elevator door slides open, revealing sam and dewey. Ghostface looks up, a deer caught in headlights. Dewey pulls his gun and opens fire. Ghostface dives out of the way into a dark hospital room. Dewey fires three shots into the room and they run to tara, who was on the floor, crying tears of joy, as sam hoists her sister to her feet, dewey looks at her and then at his kid

"y/n come on get up" dewey said picking up his kid "the bitch hurt my nose" y/n said, "you okay to walk?" Sam looked at y/n, who nodded, "I'll help Sam, you get Richie," y/n said. Walking over to Sam and grabbing taras hand and putting it around their shoulder.

Dewey ran to richir, but was cut off but ghostface leaps out and tackles dewy. "Dewey '' sam yells, ghost face lifts his knife "not today" dewey says dewey headbutts ghostface. Ghostface stumbles back on the desk, shakes it off, raises the knife. Dewey raises his gun and shoots ghostface in the chest. And blowing him off his feet

Dewey grabs Richie and walks together to the elevator. Dewey did not enter the elevator "dad. Get in! Why are you not getting in!" y/n said letting go of taras hand "no stay, the head" dewey said "what?" Richie said, sort of scared "we have to shoot him in the head..if we don't, they always come back." dewey said "who gives a fuck??!" sam yells

Dewey steps in and hits the down button. And then stepping out. Catching y/n on surprise "dad no you dumbass" y/n yells, dewey walks towards the ghostface. He reloads his gun, he reaches for to take off his mask. Then deweys phone rings. He blinks, looks at it, just for a moment, gale his ex-wife, calling him. He smiles.

Then dewey gasps as ghostface stands and yanks the knife upwards through his gut. That's when ghostface takes a second knife in his other hand and stabs dewey in the back. Pulling upwards on both knives, opening him up on both sides, ghostface raiss the voice modulator "yes. Today" ghostface said. Dewey tries to speak. All that comes out is blood. Ghostface watching him . almost studying him at this moment. Deweys face, white from blood look.

"It's an honor," ghostface says. Dewey stares at him, uncomprehending. Then looks to the floor, past ghostface now exposing bulletproof vest. Deweys phone, still ringing, among all the blood. The picture of gale is still on it. Dewey smiles at it. Ghostface rips the front knife all the way up into his chest. Blood fountains. Then , mercifully, the ghostface purses deweys body off his knife. And he lands on the ground, it's done dewey wont come back anymore.

{hospital; parking lot}

Everything is silent, impressionistic. The parking lot bathed in the blue and red police lights. Gale gets out of her camera crew's van. I Know something is terribly wrong. Her eyes are drawn across the lot to a bodybag, and saw her kid but not dewey. She realizes that it was dewey in that body bag. She screams and runs but a police officer holds her back. "Let me see my kid!"gale yelled, they let her pass and y/n lifted their head and saw their mom and ran to hug them "i tried to stop him mom. He always wanted to be the hero" y/n said "i know, sweetie dewey wanted to save you and the others. Because he cares about people" gale said still crying "lets go inside so you can go see your girlfriend" gale said giving a smiling through the tears

They walked in the lobby of the hospital. And sat down on the couches, sam walked over to gale and y/n "i'm sorry. I didnt know him well but he helped me.'' Sam said walking up to them "that's what he did. He helped people. I should have stopped him." gale said "if you had, my sister would be dead" sam said. Gale looks up at her. "I don't care-" "mom! That's my girlfriend" y/n said

"samantha?" the nurse said. Sam turns to see a nurse in the entryway. "Your sister is awake" they say. Sam turned to y/n "u wanna come see her?" Sam said, y/n looked at their mom. Who lifted her hand shooing them away

{hospital; taras room}

Sam sits on her sister's bed side, with y/n sitting on a seat "how are you feeling?" Sam said "every time i get attacked they give me better painkillers. So there's that." Tara said, the sister shared a smile. "I'm sorry." Sam said "for what you saved me" tara said to her sister "for not telling you sonnder for being the reason dad left" sam said "you're not the reason dad left. You didn't choose where you came from. Of who came from. I don't blame you for that. I blamed you for leaving me too." Tara said "I'm sorry. It's not going to happen again ''Sam said "you're super high right now, aren't you?" sam said "so high" tara said laughing "okay i'll leave you too alone, i love you" sam said looking at y/n, tara turned red "i love you too" tara said

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