Chapter fifteen

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Third person pov:

They turn and face the house. Walk towards it. But before they've made it. Amber stumbles out of the house. She clutching what looks like a bleeding wound in her side. Amber crumpls to her knees, screaming in pain. Gale starts forward, but Sidney grabs her arm. Stopping her "it's a trap '' Sidney says, Amber abruptly stops screaming and raises something in her hand. Deweys gun "fuck it." Amber says. Shooting gale in the stomach. And she ends up falling

Sidney dives behind Gale's car and returns fire. Amber retreats, shooting wildly. A big sloppy gunfight. Windows shatter. Wood splinters. Amber makes it inside, slams the door. Sidney keeps her eyes on the door as she crouch-walks to Gale, who's pressing on her bullet wound. "Is it any wonder i moved out of this fucking town?" gale said

"Let me see." sidney said gale moves her hand "we should get you to the hospital" sidney finishes her sentences 'no. you said we're gonna finish it. So finish it, sidney. And my kids are there. If you find them. And this works and I don't make it take care of them for me?" gale said a tear coming down her face , gale grabs Sidney's hand and squeezes it. "Go get her ass" gale said

{inside ambers home]

Sam follows the blood trail into the master bedroom, to a closet on the far side of the room. Sam creeps to it. Puts one hand on the door, raises her knife with the other. Flings the door open. Tara is on the floor, bound and gagged. Eyes wide with fear "tara.." sam said. Sam kneels. Tara raises her tied wrists for Sam to cut the rope. Sam prepares to slice through it... then stops. Uncertainty on her face. Could her sister really be the other killer? Tara looks up at Sam, pleading..

{inside the house w/ sidney}

Sidnye enters the house. Surveys the scene. The room looks different then i did when she was last here fighting for there life against billy and stu. She sees the closet where she hid. The door is closed without opening it, Sidney puts a bullet through it, she moves through the ground floor and fires through every closed door like clockwork. She stalks up the stairs, reloading . her phone rings. She answers it. The voice that used to haunt her dreams "hello, sidney" the voice said "hello. This is the girl from outside.'' Sidney said "no, I'm not amber. I'm the other one" the voice said "ah, there are two of you. Again not very original, i've seen this movie before"  sidney said "not this movie, sidney" the voice said

"Wrong. I've seen them all, and you know what? They're all just pale imitations of the original. You're just another dipshit copy cat of billy loomis. And guess what? I killed them all." Sidney said "new decade. New rules.' the voice said "you said that last decade" sidney said 'maybe so, but you forgot the first rule of surviving a stab movie" the ghostface said, sidney rolled her eyes "yeah? What's that?' sidney said "never answer-" "i'm getting bored" sidney said hanging up the phone and shooting another closet door. A scream comes from it, she had hit someone, sidney flips the door open, gun raised

"What the fuck" rhichie yelled holding his leg where the wound was at "hands, show mw your hands!" Sidney yelled. Richie does. No phone. No mask. No nothing. 'What are you doing in there?' Sidney said "hiding!" he yelled. And ghostface burts out the room behind Sidney and tackles her to the floor. Sids gun goes flying, lands at the bottom of the stairs

"Holy shit it's ghostface!" Richie screams. Sidney and ghostface wrestle for dominance. It's a street brawl, but Sid kows plenty of moves. She drops and uses ghostfaces momentum to fling him into the railing. Making both of them fall on the ground. Sidney struggles to get back up "richie...gun..get the gun.." Sidney says. Richie hobbles as fast as he can to the stairs "kinda hard since you shot me in the leg" Richie said. Richie hobbles-sprints down the stairs. Ghsoface crawls towards the gun. It's a race. Richie is almost there, but. A third person got there first, it's sam. She santches up the gun as richir arrives behind her

"Shoot him..." sidney says "thank god you're okay.." richie says to sam. She aims the gun at Ghostface's head, pulls back the trigger and that's when Richie stabs her in her side "because I really wanted to be the one to kill you.'' Sam stares at him in disbelief. Sinks to her knees, ghostface pulls off the mask revealing maber, and Richie leans down next to sma. Takes the gun from sam. genly, and hands it to amver 'i know its a bummer it's me' richie says and holds up the voice changer "but it's really the best twist for the movie" richie says, sam stares in horror at the man she loved.

She then looked to amber and saw y/n slowly walking behind amber. But the floor creaked making amber turn around and kick y/n's feet making them fall. Amber hurries up and gets on top of y/n and throws a few punches and then Richie throws Amber a knife and stabs y/n in the shoulder, then groans in pain. "You just had to fuck up the plan..y/n didnt you! You bitch!" Amber said pulling y/n up to now sit up, y/n arms propping them up "no..." sam said looking at richie 'yeah. Sorry' richir said 'this isnt...a fucking movie" sam said "no. but it will be. And that's the point, right amber?" richie said looking at amber who was staring at both sidney and y/n

"Right hun" amber said looking around, y/n made a sort of grossed out face "third act bloodbath, check. Killers revealed, check...time for the big finale. Lets get 'em into the kitchen.' amber said

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