❀Chapter four❀

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TW: mention of blood! Skip if needed
Third person pov:

"I'd be happy to open up '' Vince said as a cluck was heard, the group looked down and saw Vince had brought out a switchblade. Making chad freeze, over the shoulder of a silver-haired drunk at the bar. Gets off his 

"Put that thing away, vince. You dont want anyone to get hurt" the drunk says, vince turned away and the voice was dewey riley "why don't you leave these kids alone and come have a drink with me-" dewey was cut off by vince saying 'fuck you' and a punch to the side of deweys head making him fall. "Cops are on their way, vince!" the bartender says

Vince gets up and walks away out of the bar "oh hey y/nnn" dewey says, y/n didn't say anything just stayed quite looking down "oh come on, that's not a way to treat your old man." Dewey says "dude you're drunk."Chad says getting in front of y/n "i cant talk to my kid?" dewey says looking at chad "not when ur drunk man" chad says, dewey walks away and back to the bar for more drinks. Making y/n shake their head "you okay?" Amber says "yeah I'm good, I just can't believe he still calls himself my dad after what he did" y/n says. Walk over to the pool table and hitting a ball and misses

{outside of the bar; with vince}

Vince stumbles to the side of the building and takes a leak on the wall "fuuuuuuuuuuuuck this barrrrrrrrr!" he yells, his car turns on "what the fuck-" he says in a low voice as someone reves his car "is that you pretty boy!!?" Vince yells walking over to his car. "Huh? Get out of my fucking car!" he yells clapping, he makes it to the car and no one is near or in the car, vince looks around the car, he sees nothing and looks in the car, seeing that someone had used a knife to turn on his car, he turns off the car and slowly takes her head out of the car.

He looks around again and then looks at the blade, he then gets stabbed in the throat, making him jump. He looks at ghostface and slowly walks backward looking at the killer. And then falls down like he tripped over something. Blood slowly spilling out from his throat onto his face. Ghostface slowly walking behind him until he finally stops moving, once he stops moving ghostface lifts up the knife wiping off the blood off the blade

{back at the hospital:with sam, tara and richie}

Sam wakes up from a nightmare, jumping up a bit. And then looking at a sleeping tara "hey...you okay?" Richie says taking out headphones "what? Yeah. just a bad dream..what are you watching?" sam says looking at richies phone "umm stabs on netflixs" richie says, sam didn't say anything "w-what i wanna be prepared" he said "i'm going to go find something to eat" sam says "right um okay" he says putting the headphones back in his ears
{hospital lounge}

Sam walks up to the sink and opens up a bottle of pills. And popping them into her mouth and bending down, turning on the sink and drinking water, when she comes back up she sees Billy Loomis "how are you doing sam?kind of a fucked up situation, wouldnt you say?" billy says, sam didn't say anything she just whipped her mouth and ignored billy ''gotta be taught for you, everyone talking about me again, and coming back here, opening up old wounds." he said, he saw the bottle of pills ''antipsychotics aren't working as well as they used to, are they?" billy said

"Fuck you.' Sam said, "Booze used to keep me away, but then you had to go to pills and now who knows what it's gonna take," Billy said. Sam didn't say anything and headed for the door "when are you gonna tell her?" Billy says, "Tell who?" Sam says, "your sister. When are you gonna tell her why all this is happening ''Billy said, before Sam could say anything someone calls her the caller id says amber freeman. Sam answers "hello?" Sam says "hello, samantha." the same voice that called tara said "who is this?" Sam says "someone who knows your secret. What is your favorite stab movie? I'm guessing the one with Billy Loomis in it?" the voice says

"Youre the fuck that hurt my sister?" Sam said "she's not the only one i'm going to hurt. I had to get you to come back here somehow, didn't i?" the voice said "you wnat to fuck with me, asshole? I'm right here, come and get me." Sam yelled right after she said that ghostface pops out from behind the door. Sam scream and ducks the knife slash, the blade impales itself in the cardboard wall next to the mirror

Ghostface tries to pull it out as Sam tries to fun past, but Ghostface being faster punches her right in the face. She goes down hard. He rips the life out of the board, and Sam starts crawling away. "Help! Help me!" Sam yells, slashes down at her, but kicks him in the leg, he buckles as sma rises. Ses the door beyond ghostface. In one quick move she leaps over him as he slashes her, she sticks the landing and barrels out the door into the nurses station "help, somebodys trying to kill me!" sam yells she turns the corner running into a deputy who was running towards her

"What's going one-?" deputy vinson said "a man in the lounge tried to kill me, call the cops!" she yells "i am the cops" vinson says, he pulls his gun and jogs to the lounge "stay back" he says kicking the door seeing no one "now will you calls the cops, i swear i saw someone, he tried to kill me" sam says, deputy vinson nods

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