❁chapter seven❁

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Third person pov:

"So Sam is Billy Loomis' kid. And dewey was stabbed five times, and you guys have killed sam's dad" chad said "well sid and gale..y/n's mom killed billy and stu...i was kinda stab and 'dead' so?" dewey said, y/n looked around the house trying so hard not to look at dewey, "woah'' chad said "wait what did vince have to do with the killer'' amber said "he is tho, i googled him. His mom is Leslie Macher, stu macher's sister ''Mindy said, dewey flinching at the name "whos stu macher?" liv asked, y/n and amber rolled their eyes "billy loomis' accomplice, liv. Try to keep up, ''Mindy said. Liv shoots her the finger

"So the first three attacks are all on people related to the original killers. It's almost like he's taking revenge against them-''''oh my god..he's making a re-quel.'' Mindy said "a what?" Sam said "It's where they don't count the other movies and only count to the first one." y/n said, everyone staring at them. Mindy was smiling proud "I live with Mindy, you pick up a few things" y/n said. "Ugh i feel like a proud mother" mindy said holding her heart "get to the point mindy" chad said

" See, you can't just reboot a franchise from scratch anymore, fans won't stand for it. Black Christmas, Child's Play, Flatliners- that shit doesn't work. But you can't just do a straight sequel, either - you gotta build something new, but not too new, or the Internet goes bug fucking nuts. It's gotta be part of an ongoing story, even if the story shouldn't have been ongoing in the first place. New main characters, yes, but supported by and related to legacy characters. Not quite a reboot, not quite a sequel. Like the new Halloween, Saw, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Ghostbusters, fuck, even Star Wars. It always goes back to the original." mindy says, sam stares at her in horror

"Are you telling me im caught in the middle of fan-fucking-fiction?!' sam said "not just in the middle you're the star" mindy said doing jazz hands "what a fucking nerd" amber whispered in y/n's ear "for real" they whispered back "so, not to put too fine a point on it, but according to re-quel rules....whos next?" amber said "going by the pattern, whoever it is has to be connected to someone that came before" mindy said, everyone looking at both y/n and dewey "i'm starting to reget coming here" dewey said "are you fucking serious?! I'm going to die?!" y/n said

My mom was a character in stab 4" wes said "nobody cares about the inferior shitty sequels, wes, you're safe" mindy said then looked at her twin "with randy as our uncle, though, you and i are probably screwed" mindy finished "wait, what?' chad said

"Or.....one or both of you are the killer, and this elaborate monologue is just bullshit to cover your tracks" richie said

''Please, I think it's pretty clear who the killer is at this point" Mindy said "who?" Sam asked "you. I mean obviously." Mindy said, "Excuse me?" Sam said, Mindy rolled her eyes and walked over to Sam "you are Billy Loomis's daughter! Who better to inherit the mantle and carry the series forward? You hurt Tara but dont kill her, which gives you a reason to come back to Woodsboro and go on your rampage. Getting revenge on the town  for the death of your father. It makes perfect sense!" mindy said "it kinda does, actually.." Chad said, liv nods too. Even dewey giving her the hairy eyeball sam stares at them, trying to control her emotions ''y/n do you think i'd hurt tara and kill a man" sam said "i don't know you that well anymore sam, but no i don't think you would,how 'about you netflix? Think your girlfriend can kill someone?" y/n said looking at Richie "no i trust her!" he said "sorry sam, i don't make the rules" mindy said "there are no rules. This isn't a game, or a joke, or a movie. Real people's lives are at stake-" 'i know. And you're probably the one who's going to kill them" mindy said, sam stands. First balled. Doesn't know how to respond. So she turns for the dorr. leaving . Richie follows behind. Dewey glares at mindy

"You know, randy way have accused us all of being the killer too, but he was a lot nicer about it" dewey said getting up looking at his kid. "When this is over i'm taking us out okay?" Dewey said. y/n smiled and ran to their dad "just be safe okay? I can't lose you it would hurt me and mom a lot" y/n said, still hugging dewey "i know and i have to tell you i was the reason your mom left kid and i'm sorry" dewey said letting go "no, mom had work that's fine she wanted to leave" y/n said

"She didn't kid she would have taken us but i was scared and she left you here in woodsboro with me..."dewey said, y/n let go of the hug. "Are you serious? We have one good moment and you always have to ruin it!" y/n said yelling, dewey didn't say anything and the five teens stared at y/n and their dad "im sorry-" "get out." y/n said, dewey knew if he didnt leave it would make his kid hate him more, so he left. y/n turned around and looked at the group. All of them stared at y/n

y/n didn't make a work just stared at them, and walked away from the group and out into the back yard

"I think we should go check on her-" wes said but stopped "i think you guys should go home." mindy said "i'm going to check on her" amber said "i'll go with you, and make sure they leave. Even liv too" mindy said "why liv- okay she'll go" chad said

"Hey y/n.." amber said sitting next to them by the pool, mindy on the other side "im fine you should go home amber" y/n said "i'm not-" amber said "im serious, i want you to go home" y/n said, amber nodded gave y/n a kiss on the side of their head "do you wanna talk about it" mindy said. "No, can you just"y/n said and laid their head on mindy's shoulder

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