Chapter Ten

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You can't help but let out a sigh of happiness as you soak in the atmosphere around where you've set up your painting station for the day. It's a simple commission, coming from the perfumer Ms Ying'er. She's launching a new vishap-themed perfume, and asked that you paint her few promotional posters of the bottle with a background in Millin.

Moving to Liyue has been a complete change of lifestyle, but you can't say that it hasn't been for the better. Sure, you miss your parents in Morepesok, but you've found that the bustle of Liyue Harbour has been much more suited to you.

Even something as simple as being able to leave the house without a coat, or simply soak in the rays of sun as you paint has made all the difference in your happiness. You've been living in Liyue for almost a year now, and you can't say that you're planning on going back to Snezhnaya anytime soon.

That is, except for the wedding. About six months ago, your now fiancé, Maksim, proposed to you. It wasn't hard to think of an answer, you said yes.

In the past few years of your life, Maksim has been the only thing that's constant. He's always been there to support you, and he's kept you grounded more than anyone else has. At the start of a good morning, he's there to kiss you and make you breakfast. At the end of a long day, he's there to hold you and listen to your worries.

Hell, the reason that you could move to Liyue in the first place was because he struck up a business deal in supply to several vendors in Liyue. In the past few months, he's been working harder than ever, coming home later and looking more worn out just so that he can provide for you , get ready to start a life together with you. He's an admirable, honest man, and you really wouldn't mind spending the rest of your life with him.

It doesn't take long to wrap up your first few paintings, (you'd like to give Ms Ying'er a few samples to choose from) and you're able to head back to the harbor before the sun has fully set.

It's no surprise that Maksim isn't already at your home when you arrive, he usually doesn't come back until a few hours after the sun has set. Today, you decide to cook dinner yourself. If you start now, you'll be able to have food on the table by the time your fiancé gets home.

However, halfway through when you're slicing some tomatoes, there's a knock on your door. Once you open the door, you're faced with a few masked Fatui agents.

"Is this the residence of Mr Maksim?" one of them asks.

You pause for a moment, why would the Fatui be looking for Maksim?

"What business do you have with him?" you ask.

The agent hands you what seems to be a letter.

"Debt collection. Tell him that he's got a week before our boss is coming to collect on his other assets," the agent recites monotonously, as if he's already said this twenty times today.

You stand up straight and nod stiffly as you watch the agents walk away, though you feel like your legs might collapse underneath you at any moment.

Since when did Maksim owe any money to anyone? Any fool knows that it's practical suicide to borrow from Northland Bank, how could Maksim do something so foolish? Money shouldn't even be an issue in the first place, if his business is succeeding as he's claimed it's been.

Once the agents are out of sight, you slam your front door and sink to the floor. How much has he been lying about? If he's not getting money from his business, what other assets can the bank collect upon? The house? Your money? His life?

The thought sends a shiver through your body, though after the chill has settled, all you can feel is rage.

You can't help but pace around the kitchen now, awaiting Maksim's return. What kind of fool did he take you for? Was he just planning on marrying you to be able to pass his debt off onto someone else?

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