Chapter Nineteen

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Your hand is at the base of Ajax's spine. You usually start there, taking a moment to feel the goosebumps that rise on his skin as it absorbs your touch. You trail your fingers across his shoulder blades, pressing into your thumbs, feeling Ajax relax further into your touch. The tension in his shoulders diffuses gradually but eventually.

Several weeks have passed since Ajax experienced massive injuries. He's been stuck on desk duty at the bank since, at the discretion of many doctors, which means much shorter hours and much more time to spend together. You can tell that Ajax is anxious to return to the front lines of battles, but you can't help but take a small selfish pleasure in being able to spend so much time together.

At some point, lazy mornings are taken for granted. It's all warm embraces and slow kisses and back massages, just like you're doing right now. Your mornings with Ajax is the dull golden glow of the sun peaking through the curtains and just a dash of milk in some freshly brewed tea.

Lazy mornings are taken for granted, but each shared moment of happiness is not.

"I have a spot," Ajax says, "that I would like to show you."

You take your hands off his back so that he can roll over and face you. He meets your face with a gentle smile. Involuntarily, a thrilling kind of happiness fills your body every time you see Ajax. You're elated just to be near him. Pressing your face into the crook of his neck seems like the only suitable option here, you feel like exploding with joy.

"I would like to see this spot," your voice is muffled with your lips pressed to his collarbone.

"It's a really good spot," Ajax insists.

In his defense, it is, in fact, a really good spot. It takes a good hike to get there, but the effort is more than worth it. Only the Tsaritsa herself may know how Ajax managed to find this cosy spot on the side of Mt. Tianheng, but you're too astonished by the view before you to worry about it.

"It's lovely, Ajax," you squeeze his hand momentarily.

When you smile at the view before you, the lights of Liyue Harbour smile back. They're brilliant against the night's dusk. You're up high enough that you've got a view of the entire harbour, from Yujing Terrance below you, to Third-Round knockout a distance away.

Ajax wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder from behind. "Alright, tell me your best Liyue fact."

"I've learned a lot during my time here. Do you want to learn about the local plants?" you ask.

"Tell me why you love it," Ajax replies.

You turn in Ajax's arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. There's a thousand lights reflected in his eyes.

"It's the heart of Teyvat. I love the riches in history, riches in trade, riches in personality."

When Ajax chuckles, his eyes crinkle at the corners.

"I love Liyue because it brought me back to you," you smile wider with every word. "I love Liyue because it has allowed me to love you, Ajax."

The blush is brilliant on Ajax's cheeks and the tips of his ears when he replies.

"I've loved you every day as far back as my memories go. I probably loved you before that, too."

His words have you fighting a blush from rising to your cheeks.

Instead, you roll your eyes teasingly, "So it's a competition now?"

"It's not," Ajax leans in to press a chaste kiss to your lips. "But if it was, I would definitely win," he says once he pulls back.

"Is that so?"

Ajax nods with a grin, finally opening the bag he's been lugging around on the hike this whole time.

"If I didn't love you more, would I have organized this entire romantic mountainside picnic for us?"

You have to admit, Ajax has done a bang-up job with this date. He's got wine, candles, and a million of your favourite dishes spread out. It's a cozy spot with a beautiful view, and you just feel so, so warm. You're happy.

The only thing he's forgotten was a pack of matches, to let him light the candle.

"Sorry," he rubs at the back of his neck, "I don't think my vision will be much help here."

You swallow thickly, "But mine will."

Ajax looks hesitant, he's aware of your aversion towards using your vision. He's offered to help you learn how to control it before, but you've never felt ready. There's so much pain associated with your vision, you fear that it will blindside you and cause you to lose control again.

"You don't have to," Ajax says.

"I want to," you reply, because you do.

You trust Ajax, to guide you and quell your flames if it gets out of control.

"You'll show me how, right?" you ask him.

He nods, placing the candle in your grip then wrapping his hands around yours.

Ajax speaks softly, "Think of a thread. Do you remember how your mother used to embroider flowers and leaves into our school uniforms? She would wrap the thread around the needle to make petals."
You nod, "I remember."

"Okay, now imagine that your vision is that thread. Let the energy wrap around your arms and through your fingers. Feel it wrap up the candle all the way to the top, where it can finally disperse at the wick."
You close your eyes and try to envision it. You feel a warmth course through you, spiraling around your arms and wrists, up your fingers and into the candle, until- a large flame bursts from the top.

Ajax is quick to quell the flame with his hydro, but you can't help but deflate a little bit at the failed attempt.

"Hey, it's okay- that was amazing for a first attempt, really."

You hadn't even realized that you were frowning until Ajax gently runs his finger between your eyebrows, smoothing your expression.

"Just take a breath. Try thinking of a flicker instead of a flame. And remember that it's a thread, not a rope. It's thin and fragile," Ajax advises.

You close your eyes again. This time the warmth is much more delicate this time, you feel like you have better control. It courses through your arms and hands, it moves slower than last time. You imagine your mother's slender hands, wrapping the thread around the needle ever-so carefully. When you open your eyes, there's a flicker at the top of the candle. A flicker that morphs into a perfect flame.

"Amazing," Ajax exhales, staring at the now-lit candle.

The tightness in your chest is indescribable. You did it. You controlled your vision. There's suddenly tears running down your face, so you thrust the candle into Ajax's hands so as to not accidentally put the flame out.

"I'm so proud of you," Ajax is all smiles as he reaches forward to wipe your eyes.

It was only possible because of Ajax. Your heart is pounding against your chest. You fall into Ajax's hold and as you shake with sobs.

But after all, you're okay. You're okay.

A/N: I just wanted to say thank you for all of the love that I've been getting on this story!! It's very much appreciated and I hope that you'll all continue to enjoy it! <3

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