Chapter 12: The Last of the Akai

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Protection. Strength. The opportunity, the chance to stay with the one he loved.

All of the words that had come out of the Sannin's mouth had soon been absorbed in his head.

Kakashi wasn't going to let the Hokage order him to kill Akemi. He had grown too attached to her. He had loved her too much to even harm her.

Hurting Akemi would mean killing himself.

"...I understand." Kakashi levelled his gaze and stared up at the Sannin,"...We both, will join you." He surprised himself for saying such accepting words. "But if you are to hurt her in any way, I will tear down this place until it's nothing but a burial for your dead corpse as well as your followers."

"I like to see when a man is protective over his women." Orochimaru stated with a disturbing grin, which made the Hatake tense and gnash his teeth.

"...and I definitely like to see when a couple goes insane when their loved one is hurt." Orochimaru chuckled lightly before leaving the room,"Get some rest, or you will get yourself killed during the experiments tomorrow."

Kakashi glared at the sannin and watched the sinister man leave. He was still in shock that Akemi was... an Akai member. Stunned. He was completely speechless.

Out of all the shinobi and kunoichi he faced off, Akemi was the last person that he would thought of being an Akai.

She was a member of a clan that was cursed with such a sinful power...

He could have never imagined Akemi to handle a kekkei genkai like that...

When he had found her, she was nothing but a girl that did not know how to use jutsu or mold her own chakra.

Now, she was titled with the name of being a kunoichi. Quick and capable with her skills as well as intelligent. If she were to train much more, Akemi Akai would be a formidable opponent to face.

The Hatake gazed down, watching her sleep, restfully. Her eyes were closed shut, and she looked so innocent. So fragile. So-

He allowed his index finger to trace the softness of her cheek. She didn't know he had feelings for her yet. She didn't know that he loved her. Her not knowing was painful enough for him already.

At the same time, Kakashi wondered if she had the same feelings for him.

Even if she didn't offer her feelings, he would still stay close to her. He would protect her with his life. He would do anything that would keep her out of danger.

"...Kashi-kun...?" Akemi's emerald eyes opened just a crack. Her voice slurred from sleeping, but she still managed to sound cute in his ears.

Kakashi smiled slightly and murmured,"...Hey. Did you sleep well?"

She smiled shyly, blushing and pushed herself up, murmuring,"...It was fine. I would have slept a lot less if I knew you had woken up."

Kakashi nodded at her before running a hand through her red locks. He had to ask her. He had to ask her if she was truly an Akai member.

"...Akemi, have you been hiding something from me this whole time?"

The red-head girl blinked, confused. Her eyes furrowed and she thought hard and soon paled as she soon figured it out. "...Hiding something...?"

"You're an Akai member. One of the most dangerous clan members in the shinobi world. Your power is like a curse. And yet, you didn't tell me?" Kakashi frowned, watching Akemi's every movement. He watched the shivers run through her body. He watched how her breathing became uneven.

Did Kakashi know..?

Her breaths came out short, ragged. She clung onto the covers and asked, slightly frightened;

"...A-Are you...going to kill me, Kakashi...?"

Her query state pained him. He could almost feel the hammering of her own heart pounding against her chest.

"No. I will never let myself harm you, Akemi." Kakashi heard the relieved sigh being released by her. The small noise made him perk up, slightly.

"...And I won't tell the Hokage, either. If it means protecting you from everyone and killing others, I will do that. I won't let anyone touch you."

Akemi curled up against his chest and she mumbled,"...Do you promise...?"

Kakashi nodded without hesitation. He vowed. He wasn't going to break his promise easily.

Anyone who touched her was going to regret, and wished that they hadn't lived at all.

She smiled and closes her eyes. She was exhausted because of worry. How were they supposed to get out of this hellhole? She held onto Kakashi, her eyes closing and her voice came out relentlessly tired, yet at the same time, hopeful;

"We will get out of here."

The Hatake was quite surprised of her statement. At their current state, their weakness protruded and it was almost impossible to escape the damn sannin, Orochimaru's, house of hell.

And yet, she still showed the confidence of escaping, of finding a way for the two of them to leave the place of insanity.

This was an obstacle to face. An obstacle that would take a lot of time to figure out and get through.


"Get up! Get up!" The irritating voice of Kabuto had emerged behind the doors of each room. His fist banged against each door, which made a horrible racket for all the individuals. Each person came out of their room, rubbing the sleep from their eyes and yawning.

Akemi was startled by the loud banging and awoke, flinching.

Her hair was sticking in all sorts of directions. Her eyes dropped slightly from the lack of sleep. There were dark rings underneath the bags of her eyes.

She groaned inwardly as she glanced over at the sleeping bundle next to her. Her twisted frown had soon changed into a faint smile.

Kakashi could literally sleep through a day of bad weather, and still be fine.

His snores were faint, labored. Akemi watched the Hatake's chest rise and fall from every breath he took in.

"Get up!"

Another pound to their door. The red-head girl scowled at Kabuto. Why was he waking up everyone?

She stood up and walked over to the door, tugging it open and hissed,"Why the he-"

"Today's your first experimentation day." The spectacle man smirked and gazed at Akemi,"You wouldn't want to miss out, do you?"

The cruel smile made her shiver, but she tried to place a brave expression on her face,"...Whatever Orochimaru has in plan, we'll hammer it down. You can't stop both of us."

'You can't stop me from killing him...'

"Tough words coming from a girl who barely knows the way out of this place." Kabuto stated with a sunny disposition.

"Tough words coming from a talking corpse." Akemi snapped back. Kakashi wasn't awake. She had to put up a brave front for now so Kabuto won't blow her down.

The young man only laughed as he waved his hand and walked out of the room.

"Orochimaru-san, as well as I, we'll be looking forward to see the both of you in action."

"Action? What action? What are you talking about?" Akemi asked, questioning he man's statement. Her eyebrows furrowed, query as she was, Kabuto hid his real meaning behind words of riddles.

The man only laughed, ominously, before he closed the door, leaving the red-headed girl to ponder the true meaning behind his words and the sinister smirk he wore on his face.

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