New Terra

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Or new found guide led us through the forests of JV-537 for about two hours until we came to a clearing with a beautiful view of the colony he had called "New Terra". The front entrance was a bit intimidating, having two armed men at either side of the gate, a large iron door.

As we approached the fortress, Lewis began talking to the guards in a hushed tone, one taking a glance me. He called something to the gaurd on the other side of the gate, presumably an all clear, and the gate began to open.

As we walked through the gate we saw many curious faces and odd machines, some for digging and others for hauling materials. Some of them even had cages in them.

Amanda's curiosity got the best of her, and she asked the question we were all asking.

"Where are we going?"

At this Lewis pointed up to what appeared to be a headquarters overlooking the entire compound. As we ventured through the many metal corridors of New Terra, I could only think of how easy it would be to get lost in the maze of twists and turns.

Two gaurds stood at the entrance of the room, weapons ready, but lowered as they saw Lewis.
Once again, Lewis whispered something inaudible in the gaurds ear, allowing us access to the overlook.

As we entered the room we noticed a man behind a desk with his back to us.

"What did you drag in the door this time, Smith?" Asked the large man. As he turned to face us, I was able to get a good look of him. An older fellow, easily in his fifties. His short black beard and blue eyes easily stood out. The scar just above the mouth but under the eye was also a very distinguishing feature.

"Some colonists from another settlement, figured you'd like to as them a little about their home." Said Lewis, glancing at us as he finished the sentence.

"We'll why not! Please, sit, make yourselves comfortable! Lewis, could you give us some privacy please?" He said cheerfully, gesturing to a leather couch and a few matching chairs in front of an oak office desk.

"My name is Phillip Lawson, But you can call me Phil. I'm the supervisor for this colony. And you are?"

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