Tom Holland (Cooking COOKIES)

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'Come on!!!' i exclaimed. Let. me. cook. COOKIEESSS!!' I say yelling at my best friend. i really wanted them cookies.'fine, luna you can make cookies but im helping!' Tom said with a  greddyand smug smile on his face. i knew exactly what he was going to do. 

he was going to eat the cookie dough. 

It's typical of the boy. It was kind of expected, though.

Tommy and me have been best friends since primary school. in year six i transfered from brandon public school and for some reason in london, the teachers put you up at the front of the class to introduce you. As a result, I was forced to tell my story to the class. all of the kids were bored af, exept this one kid. Thomas Stanley Holland, the brown haired boy was giving me puppy dog eye, and i got destracted by those beautiful chocolate brown eyes. at just 12 years old my friendship and crush (obsession) with tom had jsut began.

Two 22-year-olds sharing an apartment, what could go wrong? we have seperate rooms but we love sleeping on the couch. so we bought a fold up bed/couch, so we could watch movies together. now i know what you are all thinking, no were not dating, yes i still am in love with him, no i dont know if he likes me! turns out he has a VERY flirty personality. so he couldve just been nice 10 years ago.

'YAY THANKS TOMMY!!!!' I said screaming as i hug him. i went over to the kitchen and started to make the cookies, flour in, milk, sugar, pinch of salt, mix, and kneed in the choc chips. as im cooking tom decides to put music on. ofcourse he puts on my favrioute song, everybody wants to rule the world. as soon as i heard that song i start to sing it. 

In the middle of the kitchen, Tom grabs my hands and pulls me away, twirling me around, dancing me across the floor. "Tom Stanley Holland, what are you doing?" i asked him confused. "I'm doing something I should have done a long time ago." 'What are you talking about?' as I was saying that sentence, he dips me. 

.time stops. i wanted it to stop. all i wanted in that moment was tom. tom, the beautiful boy i met when i was 12. tom, the flirtatious kids i allways needed.

 just tom. 

he pulls me up and looks straight in my eyes, i resipricate. he pulls my face towards his and kisses me passionatly. i  kiss back. like butterfys were flying around my head. i felt at peace. i look over to the window as the kiss finnished. its snowing.

A/N this is all you get sorry!!!

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