Dustin Henderson (best day ever)

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Info: Ik it's weird but we're all 14 here but set in season 2/ I'm elevens sister/ me and Dustin are dating

"You have teeth?" Eleven said confusingly. "Oh you like these pearls? GrRrRrRrRr." Dustin said with a smirk on his face. Els face says what the fuck did you just say? All over it.

"It's ok dusty, I like your teeth," I say walking over to him. "There great for kissing." I say as I kiss him. " gross get a room." Yelled will "shall we duke Dustin?" I say with my hand out. "We shall lady Laura."

He said grabbing my hand as we walk into my room. I shut the door and lock it. "Woah so we are doing stuff?!"

Dustin said shocked as he sat on my bed"what? No Henderson get you brain out of the gutter. We're tricking them." I say while looking through the gap between the door and the wall.

"Aww man. You got me all exited." He says sadly. "Well I mean this can't hurt?" I sad walking over to him and standing in between his legs, holding his head i kissed him. He grabbed my hips as he mumbles "best day ever."

A/N this was a short one I guess. They didn't do anything after that. They just played board games untill 30 mins then walked out. They even messed up there appearance! ALSO FOR YALL THAT ARE SCARED I AM 15 ITS FINE YALL

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