Chapter 7 - On with the Auction of the Night of the Ball

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"Are you still mad at me.." He asked, maybe slighty whispering. Stepping a little bit to his right, the little gap got replaced and crushed by his tiny two black-shoed-shiny feet.

"How's the soup?" He asked again, addingg on.

"Huek." She didn't make a face.

A minute later, Averithe decided to say,
"No." She replied to his first question. As it was bothering her at the back of her mind that she had to respond- in some way..

"Now where did I go wrong." He muttered to himself, smiling dazily staring at the podium far ahead of him.

She snapped a look at him. "My face was blushing red." She made a grimace. "I had to- to hold that embarassment as you made your deal and made your legs frozen in front of that entrance butler that you so gave out your name card to."

They were met by silence again. Chatters dissed their ears. To then a moment later Ave met with a sudden cold of breeze on her arms, where she rubbed and longed for a man's warmth, or just something warm.

"Remember I was the one who let you in." He whispered close to her ear.

"Yeah. And I didn't ask for your lazy, sweaty arm on my shoulder as well. Your sack of potatoes. As well as the ridiculous scene we made at the front yard beyond the door." She muttered quietly, making an effort to reply at least at context, making sure no one was near enough to listen.

A woman, in her ball gown dress of cobalt blue walked beside her and bumped her shoulder, which she again she stumbled, to the right dide of his primarital hard rib.

She didn't know she hit which one, though.

"You okay?" He questioned undepthfully.

"Of course I'm okay. I didn't fall down to a flight set of stairs." She replied rather harshly. To whatever funny thoughts that were running through his front mind, she silently cursed at. As she caught her own two legs staggered by the blow of the gigantuous ball gown.

She might even forget, Averithe- that she was currently in amongst the royals that could or would crush her life or an entire world they wanted to.


Ave didn't feel comfortable out of her pure dismay, as she felt out of place, a commoner who wasn't invited nor possess any entrance card, who had to be saved by some stranger she met at the entrance who she currently had a problem with, and now, she had nothing to do in the cold air. But stare at the empty air ahead.

And the bewilderment of some ball gala or even an auction could make her head spin. Or even jump around like a whirlpool.

In the current situation, she wondered why they were still standing- what they were doing after consuming their appetizer. Shouldn't they dance first? Or shouldn't there exist some sort of organizing time event to which they would dance after they ate?

She wondered.

To which she didn't realise, or forgotten, that behind her were full booked tables of white, cream, black and red linen of satin that were present below the glowing, yellow shining chandelier.

It felt like a wedding. She thought. The size of the dress gowns those royal were insane. Not the size of a golf club, but a volley ball- a huge ball.

Neither Avy felt a nudge on her shoulder when she was fully immersed in her too magical surroundings, the view was too much too pass out. Just a golden light and people walking left and right.

Meanwhile the anonymous name of the man who she didn't bother to ask for at the first place, then forgotten in the currently slightly half-full bellies of theirs, thought of another, similar detail.

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