And in that day,....
Of a twiddle of a ceremony was held.
It was nerve-wrecking. She'd never done this before. Of course, she hadn't. She was too nervous, that she'd thought she'd want to be lazy for once in a while -- once in her life, and then she forgot. And then of a figure that she didn't have a crown on her head. And she didn't quite prepare a speech. She figured she didn't need any.
She could just smile, and wave a hand, right..?
And she had to wear the biggest crown on her head, sooner or later, she knew. It had to be big. And heavy. And Damn, people's voting. And it didn't help that she knew of, now, that Cain was a king. Basically, a king of his own house with a crown, predescented from his ancestor's ancestors. It was unbecoming.
And now she had to be crowned, who of when she becomes the queen bee. He agreed as well, with not so much as a pause, and it irked her. The moment where they took on a decision based on an anonymous vote. By the lot of them.
She almost rolled her eyes at how she was now prepared. A few minutes ago, she'd just arrived, and they were now preparing her in a private room. Full of light, glitter and gold. Mostly white.
With the sun seeping in through the window, while she stood before the mirror, sometimes sitting down to prepare her hair, and then her gown of a formal dress.
And she had to have a crown on her head. Wore the biggest one yet. Thinking of it makes her dizzy.
Before long, hours had passed and the gong rang, particularly in her chamber, where it was sound-proof and all she could think of was getting on that stage. The podium throne.
She gulped.
And so.
It was bad enough she had to walk all the way in. That the costume was heavy for her to walk into. And that it was charming, but an elephant heavyweight on her. As she walked and observed the lanes to be full of people. Staring and watching at her. Which she wished she could just put some glasses on them and make them see yellow.
She regretted that she made eye contacts on that day. Maybe she shouldn't have looked at anyone.
As she walked, breathing, remembering, to calm her nerves. With a hem up her dress so she wouldn't have to trip and fall and embarass herself.
And it was time. A few inches before her, the steps to her doom. The throned arch of a podium, with two lightings on either side which she didn't remember the functioning for, and of, what it was doing. As she walked, inches and by the steps that she climbed, slowly, as she walked up the little stairs. To the top of the anchor which she wished she hadn't arrived. That far and far too soon.
The people were smiling at her. Some waving. Some appeared too happy for her to be there. She didn't know what they were expecting. And of course, she had to smile to delete the frown on her face.
Little stars, she could see and think of.
The people seemed so happy she could just snap their necks of. But it was unbecoming of a queen to think that way. Or in any way.
Her mind must stay clean and proper in order to build a peaceful civilization.
As the pope said a few words, that his hat was as white and as tall as ever. With a few speeches and a few words. And she wondered where her mother was. All she knew she was still alive. She could feel it. But perhaps, she got another to drag her away. Into happiness. As of now, she could feel her heart beating. Alive. Perhaps she had another man to take her away. Still alive, well, and.. apparently a whole lot excited.

A Royal Pain in the Ball ✓
ChickLit⚠ Completed⚠ Suitable for 16+ :/ Enjoy! A Ball. In London, Burbury. England. A place of wealth and gold. An event her friends set her up with. What a tragic event that it was. She who has never never been to proms, relative's weddings not proms, e...