The cheers of the crowd entered her ears as she felt an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach. The knot tied as she tried to calm herself down, as well as her mind.
Her deepest desire wished that she had a safety net or a boyfriend at least to keep her afloat, or a husband to save her from this tragic moment of an event.
A man's voice echoed through the microphone, signalling that it was about to start. His voice reversed through Ave's ears, signalling that it was bad news and that she shouldn't have followed and should've followed her feet running away instead.
But she didn't have the urge to run. Instead, she dreaded the moment the creature in front of her was called, and she was next.
The relief of the air kind of got to her and she was too relieved, relaxed. She didn't mind what the first participant did. Or what it was. She was glad she was able to just stand in line and wait until the countless 3 thousand number to be called. Not that she remembered her number. Math was always bad, and she didn't even bother to notice the specifications of the tens in the behinds of the sticker board.
She rubbed the spot. The cardboard against her finger pores as she schemed to run away.
Until she felt the presence of the Grim Reaper behind her. Suddenly realizing that it may not be a too good idea.
She took a step, the line moving closer and the distance getting shorter. She didn't know what to expect. An auction, the word chimed inside her head. She forgot what it was, or what was it for. All she knew was that some men were able to buy her off with a high price than the others. Then take her home, then do whatever they want with her.
That is, until she runs away.
Well, that would be a good idea. She nodded.
She was still young and supple. She worded. She didn't want to be some slave or a maid in a house or a cave.. To be held hostage and do house chores, not doing whatever the hell she wants. In ther youth of life of a living lifetime.
Maybe she worded that out wrong. She wondered.Well, she was glad she was able to attend the party. It was a good chance of experience to sneak in and able to eat the good food all by itself. The decent portions and the sight of the auction itself. That is, until it dawned on her again that the auction was about to be seeking faeries, elves and druids. To her shrivelling pride that she was wearing one of the costumes.
Of a little red riding Hood whose fate was to be eaten by a wolf, well, not if it was played by the girl in the storybooks. But she was not that girl at all. She would run and maybe throw some logs at the wolf, or let her grandma be eaten for being so gullibe and letting something so tall enter her room.
She rolled her eyes.
Until her eye visions took a stare at the back of a green cape walking away from her, further and further away, the glimmer leaving trails behind ass she stood there, astare and not blinking. It was fear that crept up to her. Or the grim reaper that stood too close behind her. Almost touching as the warmth seeped through her almost perillous red riding hood costume.
"Red Riding Hood." The man spoke through the microphone.
"What." She asked.
It was then that her name was called, or that she didn't pay attention to what the stupid elf did on the podium, in hopes that she could copy and play it off easily.
It was not a scarce job to do. Besides the fact that she had an inhabitant to space out and jump off to dreamland galaxy. And never come back.Well, at least until some noise entered her ear cochleas.
"You're next." The Grim reaper woke her up.

A Royal Pain in the Ball ✓
Chick-Lit⚠ Completed⚠ Suitable for 16+ :/ Enjoy! A Ball. In London, Burbury. England. A place of wealth and gold. An event her friends set her up with. What a tragic event that it was. She who has never never been to proms, relative's weddings not proms, e...