Chapter 5 - The Date

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"Oh yeah- yeah. The date." She
smiled, to keep herself busy. Fumbling to random things in her wardrobe, mirrors, grabbing brushes and putting it down, lotions, handcream and putting it down.

It was just anything to keep her mind off of the horrible date she had to attend, and also a surplus to keep her going.

Or else her mind would go blank.

"So, tonight at 7.00?" The man asked through her phone.

"Oh yes, 7.00 is a great time. Where would the restaurant be?"

It had just been minutes since the man called, her forgetting that they exchanged numbers during their last meet, more like she persisted to hand him over the digit numbers to her cellular number.

"Do you like Italian, steak or just random custom Virginian cuisine?" The man asked.

"Oh, anything's fine. Maybe steak and a little bit of crab salad?" She continued to brush off the dust with the broom. She didn't look like a maid, at all, wearing a pop up dress which flowed and expanded to the side, just like a dancing balloon, a flower who just popped into existence.

She smiled at his response. "Oh, great. Then I'll be there 30 minutes before, so you better get ready." She regretted the moment she said that cause since when do feminists say that on a first date? Maybe she should just continue her routine of watching Disney movies. Re-watching them, reruns and the series of completed ones to get her mind off of things- which is a routine that keeps her calm and not have a jittery mind as like this moment.

"A- Are you okay?" The man asked from the other side of his phone, worrying that she didn't answer for quite a while.

The date will go on well. She chanted in her head. Not jinxing that anything will go wrong on her first date, like breathing out onions or heaving out garlic bread to his nostrils for god's sake.

Time had been passed since the phone call. 7 hours since then, and now she's on her way to the restaurant. In a limousine.

Which she rented with her last pocket money from her mother, preparing and bringing herself to act well, and dress like a royal from the suburbs. One that she will never get back into. The scene of the royal ball played in her head.

The limousine screeched to a halt and the driver in the tuxedo looked back. Kinda looked like the man from Princess Diaries, but with a little bit of hair, and a bit younger she concluded.

She smiled. "Thank you, and here's a tip." She quickly put the cents in the man's hand and stepped out of the carriage consisting of 4 wheels.

She breathed in the fresh air of the night, smiling at the pleasant lanternic view of the lit on lights of the restaurant, presenting the La Ploutouc. Meaning rain pizza. Her brain sniggered.

She looked into the restaurant before the frosty window without moving an inch. Being able to see the blurry figures of people chatting and sitting down, spooning their mouth with red substances.

The man hasn't arrived yet, so she waited. Until he appeared from another side wearing a tuxedo and the most creepiest smile on his face. Well, from her perspective.

He was actually excited to go on a date with her. She was pretty, good-looking and is probably single whom he thought would take care of him if they ever dated. Or so he thought.

Ave smiled in return, instantly wanting to go home.

"Well, we're here aren't we?" He chattered. Like a response to her already gassing mind.

"Yeah. Let's go in." She inquired, a hand on his shoulder, then to his waist.

They then made a statement towards their reservation on this night of an evening, where the waiter would deliver them to their seats and how they looked at the menus, both shocked at how pricey it was, especially the lobsters from Ave's eyes.

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