She was done.
Yes, she was done.
She was half-full at first, but after she had the dessert, she had felt fuller than she'd ever before. Not mentioning the extra 2 plates of desserts and a Coke.
Cain joined her.
It might have seemed they were having a food war or something.
She didn't care. All she cared was how serene she was feeling, standing before the lake, and looking at strangers skating by. Definitely at ease. Until Cain joined her. By her side, as he stopped to a skid by the crunch of his winter boots.
She almost bolted.
"I have a feeling you would be an ecstatic skate-player." He prodded.
She looked at him.
Was that sarcasm?
"You wouldn't even tell me a few tips on how to skate. I'm an amateur, I need these things." She muttered, "And out of the blue you just had to say that." She didn't look at him.
"I want you to experience it for yourself." He reasoned.
"Great." She turned away from him.
The big building catched her eye and attention. It was tall, and large, not like any hotels she'd ever seen. She wondered, and somehow sure that the fees just for one night would cost a grand amount, more than the times she'd spent for living, and of course, the average cost for travels.
It was large as well, spanning to the right side where the ice lands almost reached like a third of it.
And she walked closer until the toes of her foot-covered-boots were standing on the ice. Averithe not minding it one bit, and forgetting about it a minute after, and by the frozen land that she watched that the people were still skating. Some left, but replaced by the other guests who rented the skating equipment and skid off with such ease into the pool of ice. With the snow still falling on her and around, like frosty dust. She crossed her arms from the frost bites and rubbed it slightly.
Her brown, tan winter coat as a protein for her own. It was magic she didn't freeze over.
She stood there. Until she felt a recognizable presence. The man, scooched a little bit closer to her. For some reason, he always does this. And she always seemed to forget to ask why.
As he looked straight ahead of him, "It's just the beginning of winter. In a few moments the lake will definitely freeze over." He talked, as if the lake wasn't already frozen and stuck to the brim.
She looked at him as if he knew what he was talking about.
The man stood tall broodingly, tall over her.
Almost excerpt to a giant, or as tall as a tree. As she casted a quick smile at him. She wished that there were swans swimming around the lake, as her head imagined it on her own, as there were almost to none as she could only see a couple of people skating.
Her eyes glazed, and she saw a man.
He was big. Definitely Russian with his coat and a tall, large figure. He skated.
He looked at her and smiled. He was eery, creepy, and everything wrong, and her cells screamed that everything was wrong with him.He was definitely a vampire.
His eyes seemed normal as he looked at her. But he sent her uncomfortable, tingling demonized vibes which she would flung out of her in an instance. But she stood there frozen in her spot.
She was afraid he would flash her a scary grin again.
Even though this was a different person.
She took a careful step to the side, she needed to move. Her shoes involuntarily squeaked, and her front toes slipped, damn boots not able to carry her well- on the ice plains that she slipped and her legs fell to the side, feeling her knees wobble, and she slipped and fell. Her body as if in slow motion, falling over and she crashed into his arms.

A Royal Pain in the Ball ✓
ChickLit⚠ Completed⚠ Suitable for 16+ :/ Enjoy! A Ball. In London, Burbury. England. A place of wealth and gold. An event her friends set her up with. What a tragic event that it was. She who has never never been to proms, relative's weddings not proms, e...