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Sweat. Tears. Numb. This was the beginning of the end. I had finally done it. and uncaring mother were finally out of my life. Forever.

I could say that it felt good to make my decision, but something inside me broke when my father looked at me with nothing but disappointment and anger in his eyes. I was raised to be a good and faithful daughter, . I made the decision to leave my family and pursue my dreams where they wouldn't be crushed.

I eventually found my way to the dawn court, where I currently sit thinking about what I have to do next. Music has always been my escape, even when the songs I sing are limited to little melodies I have made up in my head. Whenever my father caught me humming to myself, he would pull my arm and leave a bruise on my wrist for everyone to see. I shudder at the terrible memories and continue to sip my tea. In a little diner, I sit alone waiting for something, anything to happen. I turn my gaze to look out the window and gaze at the sunset. It will be the first time in my life I will not look up and see the night sky of the Night Court.

"We'll be closing soon dear, in about half an hour, is there anything you want from the kitchen before we close everything up?" My tearful eyes whip over and land on an older lady looks sympathetically towards me. I give a small smile and shake my head. She returns the gesture, nods, and turns to let the staff know that they can clean up for the night. I wipe the tears threatening to fall and manage to take a deep breath. I stand up, leave what little coins I have on the table, and wave to the nice elderly couple behind the counter and leave. As soon as I open the door, I am met with the refreshing, cool air hanging in the town.

I get about 5 steps down the street until I feel something watching me. I casually turn my gaze around the street and am met with a cloaked stranger. I stop, never taking my gaze from the person standing there.

"Miss. Miss!" I hear behind me; I turn my head to see the elderly lady from the diner. I shift my eyes back towards the mysterious figure who seems to have disappeared. It was just the shadows, there was no one there. I try to convince myself. I am being paranoid.

"I'm sorry if I didn't leave enough to pay for the drink. That was all I have, but I can figure out a way to make it up to you!" I quietly apologize.

"Oh my goodness no, don't worry about that. Although we are looking to hire another waitress. I just can't move around like I used to. It wouldn't be anything extraordinary, but we could give you free meals on your shifts." She smiles.

"Oh no, I couldn't possibly. You don't have to worry, I will figure something out, I always do." I smile at the old woman.

"Oh my husband and I insist." My gaze shifted back to the nicest person I have probably ever met. "My name is Estelle and my husband Ozias. We can let you stay the night in one of the spare bedrooms of out house until you have enough to move in on your own." Tears start to from in my eyes, and I feel an overwhelming sense of humility. Here was this couple who decided to help someone like me. I mean, I'm sure I look disheveled, travelling in the same outfit for three days. I nodded my head and smiled at her.

"I would love that. Thank you." I manage to whisper. Tears have started streaming in my face.

She nodded, tears glistening in her eyes, and opened her arms for me to hug her. I took a big step and quickly wrapped my arms around her, and she did the same. We stood like that for a few moments before she put her arm behind me and ushered me towards the door of the diner.

"I forgot to ask darling, what's your name?"

"Adiera" I whispered, "but may call me Ari"

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