Chapter 3

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50 Years later (170 y/o)

"Thank you, Summer Court! My name is Atarah Reverie, and you all have been amazing! Good night!" Walking off the stage, a water was handed to me, and I gulped it down, spilling it everywhere. The crowd was amazing tonight. It's hard to believe that half a millennium ago, we were just starting out. About thirty years ago, we started selling out our venues, then we moved to larger venues, and only had to expand from there. Aoife was still our stage manager, but she has two assistants now to help control everything. The boys are enjoying the attention from all of the ladies, well except for Reuel. Him and Aoife hadn't gotten too serious, they both decided that they wanted to take things slow, and I mean like patronizingly slow. Deo and I are in the process of cooking up some more songs for the next tour we decide to go on. And Renna, well she is in charge of the dancers and choreography. She loves it, and so do I. Everyone is finally happy, and proud of the progress that we have made. Someone tapped my shoulder, and I turn to see one of Aoife's assistants smiling back at me.

"First of all, amazing concert as always, secondly I have some exciting news about a venue we booked for the group." Smiling and tired, I wanted to get this over with so I could shower and go to bed. "We are going to be performing at the High Lord's Celebration!" She squealed. I smiled at her and asked how she managed to get us booked to perform for the event.

"It was actually a little strange, General Amarantha reached out to us and asked us if we would perform a couple of songs for the group before the dinner. I let her know right away we would be thrilled, and since it didn't conflict with any of the scheduled events, I figured it would be a great opportunity for you guys. I hoped it would allow you to be more available to the Night, Winter, and Autumn courts." She explained without going even further into unnecessary detail. I only nodded, not sure if my voice would fail me.

"Ok, well then I will meet up with Renna and we can decide what song we want to perform for them." Stumbling over to the door, I pushed it open with a force that only made me more tired. I was walking backstage when I ran into Deo and Aoife. I asked where Reuel and Renna were, and they said they hadn't seen them yet.

"We need to talk. One of your assistants told me General Amarantha wants us to perform for the High Lords at the celebration next week. Supposedly, it was a last minute booking." I explained almost numb to the feelings that were coursing through me. They both grew concerned faces. Aoife offered to go and find the other two before we went back to our temporary rooms.

" Are you and Renna gonna make a new song, or are we going to sing one of the ones we already know?" Deo asked.

"Well we have already been making some more songs for a while now and planned to bring it up after the tour was done in a couple of weeks, but I am thinking about which one we want to do. I actually made a song with some lyrics from the ancient language that I thought would be a fun one to do for the High Lords. I just feel that people would be more interested in the language if there was a reason for it. If we put it in our music, then that might enough to convince people to relearn it. It sounds stupid, I know don't look at me like that." Laughing at the face that looked back at me. He rolled his eyes.

"I don't know if that enough to convince people to learn a dead language, but whatever you wanna do, you know we are all behind you." And with a pat on my shoulder, the other three we were waiting for came around the corner. Reuel walked up and gave me a hug. I gave him a small squeeze with my arms to let him know that I was alright. "I will be alright" I whisper in his ears. He nodded his head against my shoulder and pulled away from me.

"It is such a great opportunity, that might finally allow us to have concerts in the courts we have not had a chance to get into yet." I explained. I knew if I would be against it, we would back out it. But I cannot imagine what backing out of a booking would look like. It was for a seven High Lords for Mother's sake. "We have to do this; we don't really have another option."

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