Chapter 2

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Atarah is turning 120

"Atarah Reverie... are you all sure? We can make a band name." They all shook their heads.

"You will need a stage name, and we are all fine with giving you the spotlight. I think most of us are just looking forwards to the benefits of fame and the travel that comes with." Deo spoke.

I can't believe that these four people have been in my life for three years already.

"We're really gonna do this?" I breathe a little out of breath at the idea. We all looked at each other and nodded our heads. "Alright, well then its time we spill our secrets before we get surprised when things come to light due to our fame." I said nervously. "Nothing said from here until we are all done gets shared outside of this room." Everyone nodded and it was only silent for a moment before someone spoke.

"I like girls." Renna rushed out. We all looked at her with knowing glances.

"Tell us something we don't know," Deo said. We all smiled at her. Tears gathered in her eyes from the support we held for her. She stood up and we all gathered into a group hug.

"I am the bastard son of one of Lord Beron's sons." Reuel said softly. We looked at him while Aoife gathered his hand into hers and gave him a reassuring look. I gasped. We locked eyes, until I looked down.

"Ok I guess its my turn." I said softly. Everyone turned their focus onto me. "I am an Illyrian warrior from the Night Court." I heard several gasps.

"Don't Illyrians have wings through?" Renna asked quietly. I met her gaze and tried not to cry as I gave her a weak smile and a nod. She grabbed my hand firmly into her own.

"When I had my first bleed, my father found out and –" I had to stop before I completely lost it. I took a couple of calming breathes before continuing. "They took them. They cut them off, and they took them." I let the tears flow from my eyes. "My own family betrayed me." I said before Renna enveloped me into a tight hug. It was as if she was trying to take all of my emotions and squeeze them out of me. It didn't take long before everyone else gathered in. I started panicking, pushing everyone away. "If they ever would find me, they would drag me back and make me the slave of the war camp. No one can ever know; promise me you tell anyone you know that my grandparents are Estelle and Ozias." I yelled. "My parents both died in the war, and I grew up with my grandparents." I said my eyes frantically switching from one person to the next. They all nodded and promised.

"Anyone else have a terrifying backstory that they want to share?" Reuel questioned looking at the other three.

"Not really, both of my parents fought in the last war and died. I was left with my other two siblings who are living with my grandparents right now. I grew up with my parents loving my siblings and I. So I find it hard to relate to anything with Ari's past." She whispered with sympathy. "No parent should ever hurt their child like that. Children should be cherished because they are a gift. My mother had two miscarriages and there was not a single day that passed where she missed them. It breaks a part of your heart, and the only thing you can try to do is to fill that void with something else.

"So what is our next move?" Aoife asked switching the topic of conversation, for which I was grateful.

"We start out by getting the word out about the new rising star Atarah Reverie." Deo said. "How about Reuel and I will head out around town and try to book us some venues. Aoife can you be in charge of coordinating everything? Stuff like flyers and organizing dates?" She nodded once accepting her new role as stage manager. Deo turned to Renna and I, "You two are in charge of writing songs. Ari, you said that you already have some written, but are they good?" He questioned.

"Well I guess Renna will have to be the judge of that now, won't she?" I spoke sarcastically while glancing at her. She nodded excitingly. "Let's go upstairs and we can look at what I already have." We said our farewells to the boys, and us girls went upstairs to look at the songs I have already come up with.

"I know they're kind of rough, but you will just have to bear with me. We need an opening song, one that will get people's attention. How scandalous are you both thinking, because I have written some pretty inspiring ladies' songs," I explained with a smirk. They only grinned, looking like kids who got the last cookie in the cookie jar.

The first one I made from listening to different conversations between you two at the bars over the past years. It's called Drunk (Elle King original author), and the chorus goes like this:

So bartender, take my keys
What do you want from me
Baby I'm drunk and I don't wanna go home!
I'm not staying in to fight
I'm staying out all night
Baby I'm drunk and I don't wanna go home!

We don't got to wait until the weekend
There's always time for jumping off the deep end
So don't you wait up tonight
Don't worry I'll be fine
Baby I'm drunk and I don't wanna go home!

I couldn't think of anything better that rhymes with night, I know you and Reuel don't fight." I commented looking at Aoife. She brushed the comment off.

"I love it, it's gonna be a great first hit! Got anything else in this notebook of yours that's gonna make us famous?" Renna asked with uncertainty.

"We are gonna be the greatest band Prythian has ever seen." I looked at both of them with confidence and a twinkle of hope in my eyes.

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