Chapter 4

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The performance a week later

We only had to do three performances before the High Lord meeting at noon today. They all went off without a hitch, and the songs had come a long way. The songs were polar opposites, one very beautiful with meaning, the other was edgy with choreo that would make some lesser men blush.

On the morning of the meeting, I was with Deo getting everything ready and making sure it was all set up. We ran over our song, making sure to get the timing right. Afterwards, it was making sure that the lights were running, the mics set up, and all other concert logistics. This was one of my less favorite parts of concerts. Microphone checks and the waiting for the beginning. The adrenaline rush right before you step on stage is my favorite experience. I get a tingle, it shoots from the top of my head and goes into both of my shoulders, and I shiver every time.

It was an hour before we were set to perform, and I could hear the noise of people in the adjacent waiting room. The room we were set up in was covered in black and gold decorations setup by servants of Amarantha. Speaking of the devil herself, I had yet to officially meet her. As I looked around the stage, I crossed off the items of my checklist before heading behind the stage. Everyone was waiting there. The girls dragged me into the dressing rooms we had set up for us, and started on my makeup and my hair. Aoife did some really pretty intense makeup, smokey eyes and a dark, almost blood red lipstick, finished with some gold hoop earrings. Renna curled my hair and put it up in a bun that would be easily taken out during our 30-second costume change.

I only had a couple minutes after I put on my costumes until we heard everyone being ushered into the main area.

Our group came into a huddle, just like we do before every concert. My nerves were different this time, probably because of the seven high lords sitting mere feet from where I was right now. Renna said something about this being the biggest performance of our lives, but I could barely hear her over the thought running through my head. Someone's hand touched my shoulder pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up and met Reuel's eyes filled with concern.

"Hey, are you alright Atarah?" Right, my stage name. I only nodded, not trusting myself to form words at this point. "You're gonna do great, take a deep breath, and trust Deo that he will lead you through it. The other songs we have been rehearsing every day, you know it. You can do this." He is right. It's just the nerves. I nodded.

"We got this" I tried smiling which must have reassured everyone but me. Deo grabbed my shoulder and we headed up on stage.

The stage itself was dark with a spell. We could see everyone, but they couldn't see us. I saw every one of them and gave myself a moment to breath. There were only 5 high lords present, and the two that were missing were the two that made me the most nervous. Deo sat on one of the stools we had set up. He looked at me and I nodded taking in another breath trying to calm my nerves.

"Thank you everyone for having us play for you tonight. We hope you enjoy our performance." Deo said quieting everyone in the room. I looked over and saw the others giving me encouragement from the side of the stage. I took a final deep breath and put a mask on to hide my real emotions like I usually do. I gave Deo a nod and he started strumming out the melody. The light slowly came up, and then it was just like every nervous thought I ever had just disappeared. (Start Graveyard – Acoustic by Halsey)

It's crazy when
The thing you love the most is the detriment
Let that sink in
You can think again
When the hand you wanna hold is a weapon and
You're nothin' but skin

Oh, 'cause I keep diggin' myself down deeper
I won't stop 'til I get where you are
I keep running, I keep running, I keep running

I couldn't help but think of my family. I thought of all the pain they put me through when I was young and pushed that emotion through into my voice. It hurt to know that somewhere out there was a family that had probably forgotten about me.

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