1. the arrival ( Elijah )

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Now that our family has sattle down in Mystic Falls and everybody is back to his "normal" life, I decided to take a break. A week alone in Charlottesville can never be wrong. I'm still nearby home for when they need me, but it's been too bussy for me the last year. 

Thank god that I knew people who have a house avealeble for the week. After taking my luggage inside, I decided to go to my favorite bar in this area. Perfect, having a wiskey without Kol asking how handsome he is or telling Rebekkah that she's one of the boys. Or hear another of mother's long speaches about everybody's misbehaviour. For some reason she thinks I'm responsable, because I've been doing that for the last thousand years. I'm their brother, not their father. I'm not even the oldest brother. And aren't they old enough to know how they should behave, they're over a thousand years. a human is expected to start taking care of hisself at the age of 18.

At moments like this, I realise how the world has changed. Kol was right people don't have faith now a days. They don't believe in things they haven't seen. They think that no one can do them wrong, because they are human, they have wapens and are smart. They don't realise there are forces beyond their control. They just do. I think they are right when they say live your life to the fullest, with their term YOLO. But they shouldn't only concider if they are going to have regrettes that they didn't do it, but also if they won't have regrettes that they did it.

I looked around the bar. Did really all the vampires I know in this area move. I didn't see anyone familliar.  Only some humans having a cup of coffee and talking about their day. A boy and a girl walked in. Nothing special going on. Everybody looked at the two that just came in. Wait a minute is that Elena? What is she doing here? I looked better, no, that's not her. But she looks a lot like her. How is that possible. Elena has no family, except for Jeremy. How come she looks like her?

I must have been staring at her because at some point the bartender said to me: "She's pretty, isn't she?" I didn't answer, but he kept on talking: "yeah, a lot of guys like her. But she hasn't been interessted in any guy at all. Like we're all not good enought for. You know that feeling?" I'm not even spending one calorie on giving this guy an answer. I even stopped listening to him. And then he finally stopped talking, so I could think about it.

"can you give me another wiskey, please?" I asked. "yes ofcourse, single or a double one?" he said.   "a double one" I said. I could certainly use a double. "don't expact that she likes you, when she's nice to you. She's nice to everybody" he said while giving me my drink. I thanked him and said that she looked familiar and asked if she was related to the Gilberts. "no, not that I know. But I know that she's adopted by some weirdo's that live here in Charlottesville because her parents died when she was 4 years old" he told. Nice to know, but now I still don't know anything "thanks for the information" i said.  "so you're not from town, are you" he asked me. OH god now he's asking me anything about me, so I decided to compelle him: he would forget that he told me anything about her, asked me anything about myself, he just gave me my drink and that was it.

Their walked someone in. Finally someone I knew, Brianna Taylor. I turned her 400 years ago. She was the daughter of the count of Stryen (now known a part of The Netherlands). She was ill and her father begged Kol and me to save her life. Kol made a deal with him, we would turn her into a vampire if he would give us half his land. Kol wanted this so he could live there, because it was our land, we would make our own rules. Kol always broke the rules, that's why he had to travel around the world all the time. His behaviour was nowhere accepted. To make a long story short, I turned her and Kol and I learnd her everything she should know about being a vampire.

"hello, Elijah." she said and waved to me. I nodded to her and she came to me. "how are you doing?" she said and I said i was doing fine. after having the basic chitchat I asked if she knew the girl who looked like Elena.

"Ofcourse do I know her, everybody does. That's Chrystina. She's a real sweetheart." she said. I asked her the same question as I asked the bartender. She said "I don't know. I only know that she has an older sister who's adopted, because her parents didn't want childeren by that time. Chrystina was born 2 years later. But her parent died when she was 4 and she was adopted by two vampires who died last years when Kol died. I'm sorry for that by the way." 

"Don't be. We brought our intire family back with some kind of magic" I answered. "Oh, okay" she said I asked her how old Chrystina was and she said that she's 17 right now. That made sense. Elena is a vampire for a year and she turnes when she was 18. So she's 2 years older than Chrystina, which matches Brianna's story. But Elena's parents only died a few years ago. And that's when I realised, Elena was adopted. "what is her last name"  I asked. "Wow, let me think. I've known it. Uhmmmm...... Ova? Pova? or was it Perova?" she said

Wait a minute, what if she means Petrova. "do you mean Petrova?" I asked. "yes that's it. she never changed her last name after she was adopted. But I have to go" she answered and left. What if this girl is Elena's family. I have to find out and if she is family, do I tell Niklaus. Would he ruin our family again with his opsession to creat more hybrids? Would he ruin her life. Cause she needs to stay in life, to keep the Petrova line intact. But what if I don't tell him, that would ruin our brother bond again, he won't trust me anymore. Maybe he would dagger me and turn back into the old Niklaus. That would make our family part again. He'd become the cruel him again, he has changed that much since our family is back.

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I heard a sweet female voice saying: "Excuse me, could you pass me our drinks. The bartender put them over there?" So i turned around and it was her, she had a very friendly smile on her face. "Ofcourse" I said and passed the drinks. "Thank you, sir" she said, took the drinks and walked to her friend.

Her friend, I've seen him before, but where? He had a appereance you wouldn't forget that fast. His dark hear tightly pulled back and a style of clothes, what's the term for it, nerdy i guess. Now I know, i've seen him around Niklaus. He's one of his hybrids. Does Niklaus already know about this girl. And if he knows that would mean that she is family of Elena's. But wouldn't he have told me that? Or Rebekkah, he tells her almost everything, and she's a blabbermouth around me. I must find out.

It's her, Chrystina Petrova (the vampire diaries)Where stories live. Discover now