9. Fun, Thai food and fortune cookies (Sam)

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Wow! I'd never thought that the originals were so damn sexy. Non of them are really my type but they look good ( and  defenetly without a shirt ). Actually it was kinda funny how they were playing in the water like childeren. Would this cheer Caroline up. Cause deep down I think she likes Klaus too.

"Well thank you, love. You always look stunning" Klaus says while he puts on his shirt. "Do you mind it if we walk with you? Perhaps  you can take my horse if you want to." Caroline looks at him like she wants to say 'how can i say no to that'. Elijah and ......, the other one chuckle.

"well, you all know me" Elijah says. "yeah, how rude of me, I'm Klaus" Klaus says to Chrystina as Kol walk towards her and takes her hand "We haven't met either. I'm Kol Mikaelson. And what's your name, gorgeous?" Kol askes. Did he just called her gorgeous. Don't say my two best friends are gonna be taken by originals. Chrystina blushes "I'm Chrystina Petrova" she says with a smile.

"I have the same offer for you. If you're tired of walking I'll just hoist you on my horse" Kol says to Chrystina and gives her a playfull smile. Chrystina looks into his eyes and laught to the ground.

"Well, shall we start walking?" Elijah says to my relief. Finally something that breaks this awkwart situation. Since when are Caroline and Chrystina the flirty onces.


As we're finally on top of the hill Kol says "wow. I expected the walk to be longer than this". Seriously? We've been walking for an hour and he thinks this is short. Elijah looks my way and says "I think not everyone agrees with you brother" and smiles.

"Well, Sam is fun but he's extremely lazy" Caroline says. Well thank Care, with friends like you I don't need enemies.  "well thanks for being so nice to me" I say to her and give her my fake smile. "why are you even complaining, you're sitting on a horse. Why does there never appears a nice gay guy on a horse. You're so lucky" 

"Well, maybe because I was Miss Mystic Falls and you can't be up for that challence?" she answered. How does she even dare say that to me "Well honey, if i was allowed to be part of it, you'd better give up because you'll loose" I say and give her my most arrogant look "and by the way why should I wanna wear a tiara if I could get the crown"

By that last sentence everybody starts laughing. "OMG Sam, really. Did you just really say that?" Chrystina yells. And now i think of it I must laught too. "I'd never thought i would ever find anyone sassier that Kol" Klaus says while laughing out loud. Well at least they think I'm funny.

After everybody is done laughing Elijah suggests that we should go eat something at the manege. That would be exelent, I'm starving.


 "wow. It's actuelly really warm. If I had my bikini with me I would go  swimming" Chrystina says. By those words Kol grabbed her and jumped into the water. 

"No, not again Kol" elijah screams just before Klaus 'accedentally' falls into the water and take Caroline with him. And there were Elijah and I expecting Chrystina and Caroline to get mad. But they didn't. They just started to laugh really hard. And then Klaus and Kol looked at eachother, blurred out of the water and grabbed us to litterly throw us into the water. "yeah. no my phone is wacked" I yell.

"Oh, what a pitty for you, hugh Sam. You wanted a new phone anyway. Now you have a good excuse" Chrystina yells. Oh why not have a little fun. Bysides I don't ruin the moment.'

At some point Klaus comes towards me and says "I have a feeling that we're gonna be good friends" and gives me a smirks like he's gonna do me something if i disagree.


after everyone's clothes have dried we started to walk to find a restaurant. It was about 2 a.m. and everything looked empty. 

"Oh my god. I'm f*cking hungry and everything is closed. That's something that can only happen to me." Kol screams so hard that I bet almost half Charlottesville could hear it. 

"Yes Kol. Like that's gonna help. Do you really expect people to get up and vring us food?" Elijah says and Klaus chuckles and throws his arm around Caroline. Yeah right Caroline you hate him and don't care for him. Chrystina was right, you secretly are in love with him too. But you're just to damn scared of what everybody would think of you if you admitted it.

"Look that Thai takeaway is still open" Chrystina yells and Kol starts doing a dance and sings "food, so wunderfull food. Now  I don't have to kill someone"

"wel maybe they're closing" Elijah says with a big smirk on his face.

"Wel brother. I'm hungry as hell. So if they are closing, I'll eat one of them. So whatever I'm gonna eat, it's Thai" Kol says and we'll start laughing. "What I was serious" Kol says

Klaus looks at him and says "behave little brother, behave"

"What everybody in this group drinks blood, so what's the probleme" Kol says like he's astonished Klaus just said that. Elijah points at Chrystina.

"Oh yeah, sorry Chrys, if i can call you that. You're so much fun that i forgot. Normally I can't stand humans around me. You know they have all their problemes, kids ,merrage , finances and being mortal. I just don't fit into that picture" Kol says and and gives Chrystina a sweet smile

 As Elijah and Kol walk up to the counter, we sat down on a bench waiting for our food. After they cameback and everyone grabbed their dose it was likes we've known eachother for ages.

at some point Kol scream "eww this tastes nasty!!" pointing to some kind of meat and everybody started laughing.


After everybody had finished the fortune cookies came. Caroline opened hers first "Your true love is closer than you think" she said and Klaus ( who sat next to her) raised an eyebrow to her. Haha I think that everybody thinks the same. 

Then Klaus followed "someone is finally gonna answer you prayers, hmm I think so" he says. 

Followed by Elijah "After all your misery there will be some luck" and he smiles

Kol "Show people the real you" and Elijah smiles "it's like these were just made for us"

Chrystina "your true love might not be as dreamy as you thought, but just perfect for you" and she smiled shyly to Kol. No she's not falling for him is she. Oh my...

"Sam it's your turn" I hear Caroline say.

I open my cookie "Oh my, why do I always get these shitty fortunes, smiling more often can make you look and feel younger, really???" and everybody started laughing

It's her, Chrystina Petrova (the vampire diaries)Where stories live. Discover now