3. Did you know? ( Chrystina )

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Wow! I thought driving home. Elijah knows my sister. But for some reason I have the feeling that there is something special about her. Or my biological familie, because there have been a few people that acted weard after hearing my last name. However that was why Elijah was here, ate least why he came to us and started talking to us. 

Ofcoures I didn't tell him that I know who he is. He's part of the Original family. The vampires that adopted me, Mathias and Rita, told me that they're much stronger than other vampires because they were the first ones. They are over a thousand years old and can only be killed with a white oak stake. If one of them dies, the vampires that they turned and the once that they turned and so further, will die too. You call this line of vampires a blood- / sireline.

A few years ago, 7 of them were still alive. Niklaus ("Klaus"), Rebekkah, Finn, Kol, Elijah Mikealson and their father and mother. There were 2 others, their youngest son, who died as human and their oldest son. Then the father Mikeal died, followed by Finn and his mother Esther. But last year Kol died and my parents happened to be in his sireline.

But to come back to Elijah. When he introduced hisself, I thought I know that name, Mikealson. And then I realised the story. But if there is one thing I've been thought is don't get in the way of an original or get them against you. That never ends well, you can better stay as far away as you can or be their friend. So I decided to give him my friendly smile, not to friendly ofcourse, because I don't want him to think I've got anything to hide. But that he talks to you and wants to know something about, that can never be a good thing. But what was it? I'm not special. Maybe it has something to do with my biological parents, or the vampires that were like family to me. Or would it have anything to do with Sam. Did Sam even know who Elijah was?

"Did you know who that man was?" I asked him hoping he just say 'yes, he's an original vampire' or something like that.

"yes, he's Elijah Mikealson and he's Klaus' brother. He introduced himself, remember? By the way I think it's funny that he calls Klaus Niklaus." he said with a big smile on his face.

"he's an original" I answered. Sam looked shocked "what!!!" He shouted "Does that mean Klaus is one too? Because he's his brother." he looked  confussed.

"yes, all the Mikealsons are. i thought you knew" I replied. He was quiet before he gave me an answer "No, wouldn't I've told you that? But Klaus is an hybrid. How is that even possible?"he asked while stapping out of the car.

"I don't know. And I don't think it's smart to ask Elijah. But didn't you know they were planning to kill Klaus for real? Or were you just trying to save your ass or something?" I aske. I close and walk to our frontdoor. I'm so happy Sam moved in with me, I would've really gone mad if I had to live all alone in that hugh house. My parents were old and rich vampires. They left everything to me. It was rediculous, they left everything they had to me. They had tons of money in their save along with all the expensive jewelry. Everything they wanted, basicly had to be expensive. They even had some wineglasses, if you would go to a museum with it, they would give you hundredthousands of dollars for it. They were beautiful. All kinds of figures graves in the crystal and they were own by Napoleon himself. 

And then I'm not even talking about our second home in England, the 7 cars, the horses and than not even mentioning all the art that's in our houses. And that's when I realised we had a big painting in the livingroom. It was signed on the backside with "For my loyal friends Mathias and Rita. From Niklaus M"  would that misterious artist Niklaus M be Niklaus Mikealson? Did he made this painting?

That painting was my favorite out of our intire art collection. Althought I can't really admire the most peaces. But this painting, it was beautiful. It was a landscape with beautiful flowers and butterflies. One you wouldn't find in real life or ate least not anymore. If this Klaus was such a cruel man as everybody said, how could he be capable of painting something so beautiful, so bright and peacefull, so bright and sweet. Simply so perfect. That must prove that he has something good inside of him, doesn't it?

"Chrys, please open the door. I'm freezing." Sam nagged. I must have been daydreaming for a while, while I was standing infront of the door. I opened it and we went inside. I sattled on the couch with a red bull and looked at the painting. If I could only be there for a moment, just for a minute . I'm impatizing. I can smell the flowers and hear the birds and the door bell. Wait a minute? the door bell.

"Are you expecting someone Sam?" I asked him while walking to the door. "no" I heard him say. I oppened the door and I shied. It was Elijah. "May I come in" he asked. I nodded, still shocked that he was at our home. Whe walked thought the living room and looked at the painting. "I see your parents always kept the painting Niklaus made for them" he said and he smiled.

" I'm here to talk. There are a few things you should know. Please have seat, you two. perhaps it's your house" Elijah said while sitting down in a leather chair. "may I offer you a drink. A wiskey perhaps, you were drinking that at the bar." I asked. "yes, please." he answered. I gave him his drink and took the seat next to Sam. Elijah smiled "thank you, sweetheart. Now we can have a little chat"

It's her, Chrystina Petrova (the vampire diaries)Where stories live. Discover now