2. the discovery ( Sam )

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I don't get it. That man sitting by the bar constandly looks at us. He's a vampire I, can tell. He seems like and strong one and he looks like a wize man. But it totally freaks me out. It always freaks me out when people are looking at me and definetly when they constandly look, like they're checking you. If you're still there. But with this man it's different, it's like he wants something from us, like he knows us or need to know us. 

"Please Sam stop looking at that man. You're not telling me you have a crush on him, isn't he bit too old?" Chrystina asks. Shit I must have been staring at him, he must have noticed that I looking. "no, you silly. He's been opsurving us ever since we came in. Do you know him?" I said, how could she think that, he's way too old, althought he's attractive for his age. "No, wouldn't I've told you that?" she said "By the way, I don't need to be afraid of him. We're leaving together and you're a hybrid. You'll protect me, right?" she said

"You don't understand. He's a vampire and I'm pretty sure he's an old one. I don't know if i'm that strong" I  answered.  "They may say that hybrids are stronger than vampires, but I'm not sure about that. And certainly not when we're talking about him" I turned my head to him, but he was gone. Where did he go. This scares me, a minute ago he was still there, by the bar. I heard that someone was queuing a chair and when I turned my head I saw him. He was sitting at our table and he smiled "We haven't met. I'm Elijah Mikealson." he said. Wait a minute Mikealson as in Klaus Mikealson. I don't necessarily hate Klaus, he's the one that made me a hybrid, so i won't feel the pain every full moon. I choose to be a hybrid. But I do know a lot of hybrids and werewolves that hate him. And went trought the painfull process to break the sirebond. I didn't, I have no bad experiences with Klaus and I already saw it coming that it would only give them trouble. That Klaus wouldn't like the fact of them breaking the sirebond. Everybody knows that Klaus is strong and dangerous if you get in his way.

By the way I don't care about what my pack think about me not willing to break the sirebond. I don't want to have anything to do with them. They treathed me like shit when I told them I was gay. Some of them even tried to kill me. They made me move in with Chrystina.

"I'm Chrystina Petrova and this is my best friend Sam Kinney" Chrystina sais. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you. So Sam, you're a hybrid. Do you know my brother Niklaus well?" Elijah asks, he looks strictly at me and I can tell by his attitude that he would've looks at me like that untill he would get an aswer.

"Niklaus?" I asked. "Klaus" he said. "Not really well, he came to our pack. To meet us. They didn't like the idea of him turning them. But all I heard was that turning into a hybrid would release me from the pain of turning into a werewolf every full moon. So I went after him and told him I was willing to turn into a hybrid. And the rest is history. I've seen him once later." I told him.

"I see. You're one of the few hybrids that's still allive. The most of them got killed when the broke the sire bond and tried to kill Niklaus. You're lucky you got away that evening, he was furious. But if he sees you he'll probably kill you. He didn't like all of you turning against him" Elijah said

"I didn't turn against him, I wasn't there that evening. Did they really tried to kill him? Bunch of idiots!" I told him astonished that they really did do that.

"You didn't know that? But you already turned your back on Niklaus when you decided to break the sirebond." Elijah replied. "I didn't break the sirebond. I'm Klaus still greatfull for turning me into a hybrid" I said. And now Elijah was looking astonished. I bet he didn't see that one coming but did that mean that Klaus doesn't know that I'm still sired to him himself. "who told you I wasn't sired to Klaus anymore?"

"Niklaus said that Tyler turned every hybris against him and they all broke their sirebond. Doesn't he know that you're still sired to him?" Elijah asked. "I don't know. But may I ask why you where looking at us the whole time?" I ask.

He chuckles "Chrystina looks like someone I know. Her name's Elena Gilbert. Do you know her?" he said while he looked Chrystina's way. "Elena" Chrystina said "My parents once told me that they named my elder sister Elena. She was adopted by a family that lived nearby." Elijah's look went from interresting to satisfied. Like he has been wanting to hear this all the time. Maybe that's the thing that he wanted from us. But why? Is there something special about this Elena Gilbert.

"I guess the possibility that this family is the family which adopted your sister is big. They live in a village nearby called Mystic Falls." Elijah said. Chrystina starts smiling, her smile was so big, i've never seen her so happy. "Oh my god. You hear that Sam? Elijah knows my sister. I'm gonna meet my sister. Can you believe it! Thank you so much Elijah, thank you." she said while starting to hug Elijah. She hugs him likes she's never gonna let him go. At first he tries to push her away, but when he realises that she's not letting go, he gives up and and at a certain moment he kinda of hugs her back. 

"Thank you." she sais again. She sounds emotional and is that a teardrop? Yes it is. Who would have thought that half an hour after we were discussing the man that lookes at us ( now known as Elijah) , Chrystina would be hugging him and crying. Unbelievable.

It's her, Chrystina Petrova (the vampire diaries)Where stories live. Discover now