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"Niall? Niall are you home?" You said a bit frightened as to how he was no where in sight. Phone in one hand and the other on the doorknob to your room. As you slowly opened the door you expected Niall to jump out of something... Nothing. "Niall! I'm not in the mood for games!" You yelled. *ring ring* You jump a little at the sound of your cellphone. You check to see who is calling. It's Harry. "(y/n)! Come over to the 1D flat now!" He hung up. You ran into your room put on your white converse, got in the car and drove off. *in the flat*

"Harry? I'm here!" you yelled. Someone came running down the stairs before you could see who it was you were being dragged up stairs. "Come on love, hurry pick up the pace!" You heard a British accent call to you. Louis. You ran faster into Nialls room. There was a note and it said :

"Well by now the boys must have called you up and brought you to the blonde ones room right? You want him back? Come to the nearest club you can find, I will be there. No one follows. Got it? If you break the rules, your family is next...



You dropped the letter. The boys quickly ran over to you and Liam picked the letter up, showed it to the lads. "This is terrible. What are you going to do? You can't go alone. I won't allow that." Harry said reaching out to you, he always had a thing for you and Niall trusts him , he knows that Harry likes you and he will protect you in any case. "Don't.. Don't touch me Harry." You said backing away. You reached for the door. You ran out and got into your car. You went to the nearest club where you received another note:.

"Good you went to the right one. Now head to the beach or you'll never see him again"

Tears ran down your face as you jumped into your car and headed to the beach. Once you got out you found one more note that read: "Go into the cabin now. My little princess." Then it hits you. You know exactly who this is. It's your ex boyfriend. Other than Niall no one ever called you their princess. You run into the cabin. "Jason stop!" I'm here, take me instead! Just don't hurt Niall! DONT!" You scream running towards Niall beginning to untie him. That's when you feel someone take hold of your hair. "What do you think you're doing you little shit!" He yells throwing you back against the wall. "Let him go! I get it okay! You're jealous! I get it but that doesn't mean you go take my boyfriend and tie him up! I don't love you anymore! Leave us alone! I'm sorry , I'm sorry I left you.! You cheated! Why are you getting mad!" You screamed beginning to cry. He went to go get duct tape and some rope to tie you up. Yet he left you alone in the room with Niall. You crawled over to Niall in tears as you took off the tape. "Babe, go run leave me here." He spoke quietly, then you realized he was hurt. You began to lift his shirt to reveal a great amount of bruises all of his body. You got up and started searching for something , anything that would hurt. You stop searching when you find a bat. You hide behind the door and wait for Jason to return. As he opens up the door he runs in noticing you aren't in the same spot he put you in. He's about two ft infront of you. You take this opportunity to swing the bat right into his knees. You hear him cry out in pain. You quickly rush over to Niall and take off all the duct tape. You gently help him up before half leading / half dragging him into the car. You drive to the nearest hospital where a doctor and a nurse attend you both, the lads arrive in minutes. "Liam call 911 now!" You yell at him. He rushes over to your bag since he didn't bring his phone. He hands the phone to you and you tell the officer where Jason is and how he looks. They quickly find him and sentence him to 40 years in prison, you and Niall go back home after they fix him all up along with you. Niall was in a horrible state and the boys could do nothing but watch one of their best friends lay there unconsciously.... You whisper into his ear hoping he can hear you "I'm terribly sorry Niall, I never thought he would do such a thing, but I love you more than anything in the world. I hope you know that. And then as if by magic Niall gently squeezes your hand in responce. He opens his eyes revealing those amazing blue ocean like eyes. He manages to whisper "Kiss me" before closing his eyes. You lean in and gave him a light kiss on the cheek as he goes to sleep once again.

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