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You and your best friend Perrie Edwards were going to a sleep over at Louis' place, You weren't sure who and who were going but you knew that if Louis was going to be the host of anything it sure will be fun!

"Perrie c'mon let's go!"

You said running downstairs.

*in the car*

"So how did you like the blind date I set you up on last week?"

She said giggling.

"Perrie, don't get me started. Please it was awkward, me and Niall barely speak to each other because of you and since then I haven't stopped thinking about that blue eyed dork. You ruined our friendship."

You replied bringing your mood down just a tad bit causing Perrie to stop the car and give you the "that hurt" look before saying something else.

"Aww baby I'm sorry, I'm sure we can fix this don't be mad at me pleeeeeeeaaaaaseeee? I'm sure you and Nialler have a thing for each other, I mean you just said you haven't stopped thinking about him, and you described him, you usually don't do that unless you like the guy.... wait. Someone's got a crush on Nialler!"

she said trying to cheer you up.

"Leave me alone until we get there please."

You replied putting your earphones in and listening to Over Again. Niall's voice gave you goosebumps, when you heard his name, you couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered throughout your tummy. You fell asleep before you got to Lou's flat.

"Hey Veronica wake up!"

Someone was tugging your shoulder, an Irish accent, Niall. You eyes shot open, you were on a bed.


You yelled causing him to jump a bit.

"C-calm down love, they told me to put you in my room, they didn't want to wake you, don't be mad..."

He replied scratching the back of his head shyly.

"Sorry, I'm not mad its just well you know..... Where are the others?"

You asked trying to avoid the previous event from last week.

"oh um they're downstairs, let's go I'll race you?"

He asked trying to make it less awkward.

"Winner gets ten dollars?"

You said grinning.

"Deal. One.... Two.... Three!"

He yelled sprinting downstairs, he was hot on your heels. Right when you touched the bottom of the stairs you tripped over ther carpet, Niall followed. Niall almost fell on top of you but you threw your hands up and he caught himself causing you to make a funny face. Niall lightly chuckled to himself.

"What what did I do now?"

You said staring into those dreamy blue eyes.

"Oh uh nothing, you just made this adorable face when I almost fell on top of you.."

He said quickly getting off. Niall didn't notice the others had gathered around the both of you, it took you a while to come back to reality.

"Well well well, let's play spin the bottle shall we!?"

Louis screamed running over to the living room before plopping down on the floor.

"Veronica goes first!"

He yelled making you sit by Niall, Louis Zayn Harry Liam and Eleanor were all there smirking at the both of you. You spinned the bottle right quick and guess who it landed on.. Niall.

"Well you two, upstairs you head, one of us will be there in 5 minutes. Goodbye now."

Zayn instructed evily grinning. Niall took your hand in his, half way up the stairs you intertwined your fingers with his, he gave you a puzzled look.

"S-sorry, I can let go if you want.." You said blushing a bit. "No its fine, it has a comforting feeling to it, its as if..." "They were meant for each other." You both said at the same time. You were both at the top of the stairs now.

"Nia---" He stopped you, he held your chin and tilted your head up until you met his gaze. He slowly worked his way to your lips, yours and his moved in sync, everything seemed perfect until he pulled away smiling.

"Veronica look.." He said gesturing to the bottom of the stairs. There they were, the boys and girls, holding up a poster that read... "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I haven't stopped thinking about you since the date Perrie set us up on. I promise if you say yes I'll treat you right, so what's it going to be.?"

He said sort of nervous. You only had one reaction, you turned to Niall and gave him a passionate kiss.

"Of course Niall."

You heard everyone else start to make awe sounds.

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