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October 5th, 1984

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October 5th, 1984


"You guys kissed?"
Ali whispered yelled, I covered her mouth since she started to become to loud.

She stumbled against the lockers a little bit, but she was still smiling. I nodded my head, answering her question.

She started to squeal, "So, are you guys dating?" She whispered in my ear, making sure this time none could hear.

"Not yet." I told her, as we walked around the school, I told her about the events that happened yesterday. She could tell I was worried about something, and I was.

She nudged my shoulder, "Whats wrong?"

"Daniel. I feel like I am betraying him." I shrugged my shoulders.

Ali had an understandable look I'm her eye, "I feel like I am betraying you too." I mumbled.

She shook her head, "Y/N, I'm dating your brother. Your dating my ex, does it really matter?"

I lightly laughed, giving her a big smile. "Let me ask you something, does he make you happy?" Ali asked, we finally sat down on a bench that covered us from the sun by a roof.

"Yes." I said quickly, he did make me happy, he made me feel comfortable. I just wished he stopped messing with my brother, maybe our relationship will stop all this messing around, at-least most of it...

"Then Daniel should be happy, and respect what makes you happy." Ali told me.

I felt someone grab my shoulders, I jumped as well as Ali. It was Tommy, then right behind Tommy Bobby comes flying in to take the seat next to me.

Then Dutch came to sit on the grass, in front of me and Ali. "Could you not say hello?" I yelled at Tommy, holding my shoulders protectively.

Tommy laughed at my fear, as he slowly walked I front of me and Ali, watching my every move to make sure I don't jump up and slap him, or kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

"We have more important things to talk about!" Tommy said, holding his index finger up as if he had an idea.

I crossed my arms, leaning back into the bench. I knew what they were talking about. They wanted to talk about me, and Johnny. Of course they do. They are so nosy, and childish.

They all looked like a bunch of children sitting around me and Ali, they stood their watching us like we were their mother about to read them a book.

"Like what?" I asked, acting confused.

"Don't play dumb." Bobby smirked, laying his arm on the edge of the bench, leaning closer to me.

"You and JOHNNY!" Dutch practically yelled, as Tommy shoved Dutch's shoulders, holding his finger to his mouth telling him to shush.

"Dammit Dutch!"

"What would you idiots like to say about it?" I asked, as they all made pouty faces.

The boys started to spilling multiple questions out of their mouth, they really wanted the tea. I told you, they are nosy.

"Did you like the kiss?"

"You promise not to break his heart!"

"Johnny won't shut up about it!"

"Are y'all going on a date?"

I finally yelled at them to shut up, tired of hearing the multiple questions. "Can you please ask like normal people?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, my question is, did you like the kiss?" Dutch said, rubbing his hands like he was warming his palms up.

I sighed, I slightly blushed. They could tell as they all started to 'ooo' and giggle like little toddler girls.

"Yes, I did."

"Was it hot?" Tommy laughed, jumping up and down like a child.

"You guys are nosy! But, yes it was." I told them, knowing they would get a kick out of my answer.

"Are you guys going on a date?" Bobby asked, the only normally calm person in the damn group of people, even Ali was getting hyped up.

"Mhm. Golf n' stuff." I told them.

It finally reached fifth period, I was in p.e I had my practice outfit for cheer on, now all of the girls were grouped together.

We were sat on the bleachers talking about things we could thing of. They already knew about me and Johnny, I told them a little after Ali figured out.

"Cheerleaders, over here!" The coach yelled as my and the girls were still talking but contained to jog over to the area we were practicing at.

"Y/N, wait." I heard Johnny yell, I smiled before turning around. I walked over to him, as he walked over to me.

"Well, well, look who it is." Johnny told
me, before he held both of my hands, rubbing circles on the top of my hands.

I smiled at him, "You going to soccer practice?" I asked him, as he nodded annoyingly. I don't think he enjoyed soccer as much as he enjoyed karate.

We made a quick small talk before I had to go over to Cheer, "Johnny, I really have to go!"
I whined to him, as I turned around seeing the girls yelling my name.

He nodded his head quickly, he looked to make sure Daniel wasn't around. He leaned down, giving me quick peck on the lips, holding my chin, then he quickly let go.

"Good luck, princess, You look beautiful." He told he before I smiled at him.

"Don't look to bad your self," I giggled, before running off towards the girls.

"We saw that kiss." Susan smiled, wearing her sunglasses. The other girls giggling.

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