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November 16th, 1984

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November 16th, 1984


I was currently on the phone, with Bobby who wasn't taking the whole mike situation the greatest.

Bobby: "He did what to you!?"

Y/N: "Bobby leave it be, if you keep picking at it.
It'll get worse, alright?"

Bobby: "No Y/N, don't do that bullshit Y/N. He deserves no mercy, he's the enemy!"

Y/N: "Bobby I have everything under control."

Bobby: "Y/N, he slapped you. Are you sure?"

Y/N: "Only because I slapped him first. Just don't start something."

Bobby: "He's dead meat Y/N, dead meat."

Y/N: "No he isn't, because you aren't going to touch him Bobby brown."

Bobby: "Why are you defending him?"

Y/N: "I'm not Bobby. I just don't want to see you in a fight, your the sweet one of the group. Promise me you won't start something?"

Bobby: "No promises Y/N, but I'll promise you this part, I'll try and stay away from him. If he tries talking to me he's dead, deader then damn dirt, you hear me?"

Y/N: "Yeah Bobby, loud and clear."

Bobby: "You comin' to the country club tomorrow night?"

Y/N: "I guess so."

Bobby: "Alright. I'll talk to you later, stay safe you hear me?"

Y/N: "Yes Bobby I know. Bye, bye."

I quickly needed the phone call, falling against my bed. I heard a knock at my door, I looked up seeing Daniel.

I waved, "Hey Danny." I said sitting up on my bed rubbing my eyes.

"Hey sis." He said sitting down on the bed beside me.

"You know, I heard about the whole you joining the all valley underage karate tournament." I said smiling nudging his shoulder trying to hype my brother up.

He smiled at my excitement, he started to loosen up. "How's the new karate guy feeling?" I asked, leaning against my arms.

He shrugged his shoulders, "He's feeling." He said, which meant he had mixed emotions.

I sighed, I knew he was worried about he tournament. "Daniel, I know you'll do awesome. I have to hang out with you everyday, so trust me I know you'll do perfectly fine."

"You want to come hang out with me and Mr. Miyagi?" He asked.

I nodded my head, I've never really hung out with Mr. Miyagi so this will definitely be something new.

Daniel drove me to this random place, it was beautiful. It was apparently the place where him and Daniel train.

I got out of the car, looking at the place from a person view. It was nice, Daniel grabbed my arm pulling me towards the back of the house.

"Mr. Miyagi, we have company!" Daniel yelled.

"Who here Daniel-San?" Mr. Miyagi shouted, you could hear him walking towards us.

Mr. miyagi was in front of us, he bowed infront of me then shook my hand. "Ah- your sister Daniel-San?" Mr. Miyagi asked, with a very kind and gentle smile.

"Yeah, this is Y/N." Daniel said, pushing me closer towards Mr. Miyagi.

"Pleasure to meet Y/N-San, I am Miyagi." He told me.

"Pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Miyagi. I've heard plenty about you." I smiled, hoping that didn't sound rude.

"Hey Mr. Miyagi, how about show my sister some of the Karate I've been learning?" Daniel asked, putting his hands inside his pockets.

"Sure why not, come follow, follow." Mr. Miyagi said grabbing onto my arm as Daniel led the way.

"What happened to face, Y/N-San?" Mr. Miyagi asked coming closer to my face to examine the little red remaining mark I had on my face.

I rubbed my face, I gulped. "Oh, it was just a incident that happened at school with a guy."

Mr. Miyagi looked confused, "boy hit you?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, a guy hit me because I wouldn't go out with him. Long story." I said, seeing Mr. Miyagi shaking his head in disappointment.

"Y/N-San if male hit you, it's no guy. It's a boy. Understand?" He told me slowly so I could put it all together.

I nodded my head smiling at what he said, Mr. Miyagi seemed like a real understanding guy.

I was sitting on the deck, watching Daniel do his karate things. I was confused, Daniel never hit first he would wait for Mr. Miyagi.

"May I ask a question?" I Blurted out, making them stop their actions to look at me.

"Of course." Mr. miyagi said, nodding his head a couple times.

"Why is Daniel not hitting first? Isn't he supposed to hit people?" I asked my head tilted to the side in confusion.

"Ah- you too much cobra Kai. Y/N-San, real karate is for defense only." Mr. Miyagi told me.

"Let me show. Daniel-San do wax on, wax off." Mr. miyagi said.

Daniel nodded, Mr.Miyagi did a little hit, causing Daniel to block it with a move.

"See, you only use karate for defense." Mr. miyagi explained to me, causing me to nod my head in understanding.

"𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓" • J.LWhere stories live. Discover now