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October 10th, 1984

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October 10th, 1984


I am so excited, this is the first time all of us are going too golf n stuff. Plus, we get to go into the waterpark.

I really hope Daniel might come tonight, I want him and Ali to make up. I know it would make her feel relieved.

I was driving to golf N' stuff. I had my outfit, and then my bathing suit underneath it. This is also the first time me and Johnny our going to golf n stuff as boyfriend and girlfriend.

I finally arrived at golf N' stuff, I walked towards my group of friends, everyone was there since I was running a bit late.

"Taking your time, princess?" Dutch asked, grinning. I rolled my eyes, I obviously wasn't a big fan of him right now. He ruined my best friend and my brothers relationship.

I stood next to Johnny, as he took my hand. "Shut up, man." Johnny told Dutch.

"Yeah, it would be better that way." Susan replied, sticking up for me.

"Yeah, I didn't wanna see you dumbass." I said mumbling the last part. Something about Dutch made me wanna grab him by his hair and swing his ass around like a rag doll.

Johnny smirked listening to me, Johnnys grip on my hand was tighter, as he saw a bunch of random guys walk by, starring at us.

"Can we go swimming first?" I asked, as all the guys jumped up and down like little girls, agreeing.

The girls agreeing as well, as they squealed. Tommy and Barbra close to one another, they were coming closer, it was cute.

Susan and Ali walking with one another, Susan would've been right beside Bobby, but obviously we don't wan Ali feeling left out.

"Al, Daniel might be coming." I told her, as she nodded her head, hiding her smile.

"Did you have to invite him?" Johnny groaned, rolling his head back.

"Just stay away from him, easy peasy." I told him.

Johnny nodded, we made our way towards the large waterpark. It was so cool, there was multiple slides, pool, hot tubs, this place had everything.

We found a place to set our stuff, as everyone got adjusted, we all took our clothing off. I took mine off having a poke a dot bathing suit, two piece.

The girls having the same bathing suits they wore at the beach. Johnny stood their looking at me, like he was in a trance, he didn't even have his clothes off yet.

I snapped my fingers, "You know it's rude to stare, Hm?" I said, teasing him, as I giggled.

He rolled his eyes, still keeping his eyes on me. "You look hot, yeah really hot." He mumbled to me, while nodding, as he grabbed a hold of my waist.

"Yeah, it is hot outside." I said jokingly, fanning my face.

"You know what I meant, wise ass." He smirked, taking his shirt off leaving him in his swimming shorts.

My eyes widened, his body, his hair, his eyes, his everything looked perfect. I gulped, realizing I was the one starring now.

He grinned realizing what I was doing, "Look who is the one starring now." Johnny smiled crossing his arms at me.

"Shut up." I said, popping the 'p'.

"Oo, cute bathing suit, Y/N!" Bobby said, looking at my bathing suit. Johnny rolled his eyes, walking towards where me and Bobby were wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Thanks, man." Johnny said, obviously being sarcastic. Bobby laughed, watching Johnny get annoyed.

Johnny picked me up princess style, as my one arm wrapped around his neck. "Oo, comfy." I smiled, laying my head against his chest.

Johnny ran towards the pool, I screamed realizing what he was doing. He jumped in, still holding me.

We finally came to surface as he still held me, "It's cold Johnny!" I yelled, feeling the water against my skin causing goosebumps.

"Good, you'll get used to it." He told

While he was still holding me walking towards our friends in the water, he squeezed my ass underwater.

I looked him, "Really? Was that the perfect time to do it?" I asked.

"Anytime is perfect." He replied.

He finally let go of me, as we found our way towards our friends, and we were at the 4ft mark. I walked towards Ali hugging her so we could both get warmth.

"Nobody is going to hug me? It's cold." Bobby said with a little pouty face.

Susan walked over giving him a warning hug, causing the group to 'ooo' Bobby was blushing, as well as Susan.

"Water slide?" Tommy asked, as we all nodded making our way up the stairs towards the water slide.

Luckily the line wasn't long, there was only one group of four people in front of us.

While we waited for like ten seconds, Johnny held my waist, my back against his chest.

The group finally got out of our way, the getting the slide that held all of us. We were all getting in, "She wants to be on the scariest seat." Tommy told the guy. I shook my head very harshly.

"Sir, you are on the scariest seat." The guy said, making Tommy's head quickly Shake no, until the guy pushed us off.

Tommy screamed like a girl, everyone else screaming as well, I was beside Johnny. I laughed my ass off seeing Tommy terrified, he was getting all the bad hits, and curves of the slide.

We finally reached the end, Tommy looked traumatized. "Aw, poor little baby." I chuckled, ruffling Tommy's hair.

Tommy frowned, quick fixing his hair.

"Karmas a bitch, Tommy." I told him giving him a 'haha' smile.

(The next chapter will be them hanging out at the arcade, also if you have any ideas for the story, you are welcome to tell me) :)

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