April 16th, 2018

819 13 69

The next day, OJ went to the store and bought truckloads of honey.

"We were almost out! I just decided to get a whole supply!" Oj told them when they questioned.

He wasn't sure he'd go through with this, but he wanted to prepare anyway. If he were to make that cure, he'd only kill a few.

The ones not many liked.

He still was scared to hurt anyone else; it'd be risky anyway.

Also, he was honest with his excuse, they don't have any honey.

He had been wondering that if he did make this cure, who would he kill first? There's so many choices.

At lunch, paper sat down with him. "OJ, are you ok? You've been a bit odd today..." He asked. Paper was worried for his best friend.

"Oh, yeah... I'm... I'm fine..." OJ responded. OJ was tired. He hadn't gotten sleep the night before.

Just then paintbrush had walked up to them. "OJ, you got to get up and do your job. Lightbulb got stuck in a door while trying to find where her 'fingers' went."


"Come on OJ. Go, do, your, job. You own this hotel. We are YOUR responsibility now." Paintbrush stared down in anger and waited for a response. Their hair lit up in flames. "IF YOU ARENT GONNA DO YOUR JOB, WHY SHOULD YOU EVEN OWN THIS PLACE!?"

OJ got up "No fire in the hotel Paintbrush! Go outside if you want to light stuff on fire!" They walked to the door.

OJ had found his first victim.


At around 12:55 he went to bed to at least sleep for a little while.

He Woke up while the sun was out, I really got a full night of sleep? Wow... OJ thought, leaving his bed.

He then walked out into the field out front. Everyone was crowded around a dead body, they were gasping and murmuring about fingerprints.

As he got closer, he noticed that it wasn't any sick person's dead body. It was Paintbrush's dead body.

There was a stab wound through their chest. There was no weapon to be seen. Testube walked over with a knife.

"I got the results, but I haven't read them yet... how about we all read the results together?" she said. Everyone moved closer to Testube to see it.

Everyone gasped upon reading it. Paper had his hands clasped over his mouth. He was trembling. Everyone was staring at OJ now.


Then he woke up.

It was just a dream. There was nothing to worry about. Nobody would find out, right? He got out of bed and went to paintbrush's room.

"Paintbrush... I know we had that argument, but I think you'd want to go outside and look at the sky, it's just beautiful right now. The moon is in a full as well."

Paintbrush did think star gazing could give them some inspiration; they did have art block. They left their bed and went with OJ.

When they got outside, OJ didn't lie about the sky either. It was pretty, but OJ Got one thing wrong, it was a First quarter. Not a full moon. They turned around "This isn't a full moon, you lied to me!" They said, but then they felt a sharp pain in their chest. They had been stabbed.

OJ stabbed them.

Paintbrush fell to the floor, lifeless. OJ grabbed the body and dragged it towards the graveyard. He filled a coffin with honey and dropped Paintbrush in there. He buried them and marked the grave.

"Say hi to Baxter for me."

He made his way upstairs and cleaned the blood off before going to bed.

Just a month until a cure.

OLD. REWRITE IN PROGRESS【Sweet Bod - An Inanimate Insanity fanfic.】Where stories live. Discover now