chapter 3 *dumb Ashton*

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Kayla's pov

I woke up to the sound of a loud bang on my door, I rubbed my eyes and the memories of today's events flashed before my eyes, I  immediately jumped out of bed. I was sure they had found me, and I knew that they where going to kill me.

I don't even know when tears started rolling down my cheeks. I heard the sound of the door opening and closing, I crawled behind my bed and closed my eyes. I was beyond scared, I  just hoped  this nightmare would end.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I immediately started screaming and pleading.

"Please don't kill me!!" I pleaded with my breaking voice with my eyes still shut, "please I promise I won't tell anyone what I saw, just please don't kill me!" I cried.

"Kay, Kay what's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened? Who wants to kill you? Answer me please." I opened my eyes and saw Mia looking at me with concern as she blasted me with questions.

I immediately engulfed her in a tight hug, she hugged me but kept on asking me what was wrong. But I just couldn't bring myself to say anything,  After what felt like hours of crying. Mia helped me get changed and freshened up, she prepared some food for the both of us. We ate in silence neither of us uttered a word, I knew Mia had a lot questions but the fact that she didn't pressure me into saying or explaining anything warmed my heart.

Once  we where done eating, I decided to tell her everything that happened.  She listened  to everything with at most attention. And by the time I finished she had tears in her eyes, she looked at me with concern and pity.

"I think we should report this to the police," she said. "I'm  sure the police will be able to help you Kay." I just nodded, I wasn't too sure that the police would be able to help in any way.

"Okay it's settled then, tomorrow after school we will head to the police station and file a report." She said while wiping her tears away, I gave her a small smile.

"You know what I'm going to stay with you tonight." She stated in a tone that suggested nothing can change her mind. We got up and started washing the dishes, we talked about everything and nothing at the same time. She made me feel better and I temporarily forgot about everything that was going on.

After we did the dishes Mia and I went to bed. I laid down on the bed facing upward, I  slowly closed my eyes and bit by bit, the darkness consumed me and  I drifted off into a dreamless slumber.


Mia woke me up early in the morning, I took my bath and did my morning routine, I dressed up in a simple sundress and knee length  boots.

After I got dressed, I  looked  myself in the mirror and I was horrified by my own reflection. I had dark marks under my eyes and my hair looked like a birds nest. if my mom were to ever see me like this she would literally freak out. She always told me that I should look presentable at all times, she always said and I quote "Kayla as a woman you must always look appropriate, it's the first ticket to success." I sighed remembering my mom we were total opposites she cared a lot about dressing up and looking pretty while I didn't give a damn, she is more of a beauty queen while I'm you know what I'm? I'm a simple girl who is barely gets to see her own parents.

I quickly combed my hair and put some light make up to cover up my dark marks. I made my way down stairs, I found Mia in the living room waiting for me I greeted her good morning and we made our way to school.

When we arrived at school, we made our way to my locker. We found Ashton there probably waiting for us, I was really happy to see him after two whole weeks. When he saw us he immediately turned and open his arms gesturing for a hug and I immediately engulfed him into a bear hug and I didn't let go of him. I didn't realize how much I miss him until now.

"Kayla you can let go now, I can't. Breath" he said as if he was on the verge of death, I quickly let go of him and he let out sigh of relief.

'so melodramatic' 

"I'm sorry it's just that I really missed you," I said smiling.

"Of course you missed me, who wouldn't?" he said, with a corky smile while swinging both his hands on I and Mia's shoulders. We both rolled our eyes.

"Don't get ahead of yourself she just missed seeing your idiotic face, I mean who wouldn't. I have also not seen anyone as stupid as you in two whole weeks. So don't think that you are that important okay? She just missed your stupidity." Mia said and I tried my best to muffle a laugh and Ashton gasped looking at us with a hurt expression with his hand on his chest.

"How dare you." he said while glaring at Mia, and I couldn't help but laugh at his silly antics.

"Didn't I tell you he is stupid? look at him clutching  his right side of his chest. This dummy doesn't even know where his heart is" Mia said and I burst off laughing and everyone in the hallway stared at me as if I was mad.

"Kay stop laughing and I know where my heart is, I was just playing with y'all" he said glaring at us both.

"Were you though?" I asked genuinely and  Mia burst off  laughing and I joined her and Ashton looked pissed.

"I was!" He said. But we just continued laughing and annoying him even more, he was about to attack us but we where smart and moved out of way. Ever since I moved here, one thing about Ashton when annoyed he would always attack us but now we know better, and ran like our lives depend on it. 

So we ran as fast as we could, during our little run Mia headed to her class.  While I made my way to my English class. We all have different classes, the only class we share is biology. I took a sit at the front of the class trying to catch my breath. The teacher came in five minutes later and bored everyone in class to death.

Author's note 💕

Hey everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter.

And I just want to say poor Kayla that was a lot 😭😭. But shout out to Mia she is such a sweet soul🥺😘....

What do you guys think about Ashton????? Let me know in the comments.

And we will definitely get to see more of Landon in the next chapter 🤞💯

Don't forget to.......

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