Chapter 12 *The mall*

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Kayla's POV

Liya, Mateo, Adam, Ryan and I where in a sleek range Rover. Liya was the one driving and Adam was seated in the passenger seat, while Ryan, Mateo and I where in the back.

We drove for about twenty five minutes before we reached via montenapoleon, Liya told me that it was the key shopping street in all of Milan.

"Ok so we will start from the Gucci store." Liya said getting out of the car and all the boys groaned.

"Oh come on it's gonna be fun." I said, with a huge smile on my face. But they just groaned even louder.

My jaw literally dropped to the ground when we entered the store, everything here just screamed money.
Liya and I walked further into the store and one look at the price tags just made me want to run. Things here cost a fortune.

"I think this will look good on you," Liya said showing me a beautiful black dress.

"I don't think I can afford that," I said honestly.

"Don't worry about that, my brothers are going to pay for everything," she said.
"Now go and try this on." Liya said dragging me towards the changing room. I tried on the dress and it fit perfectly.

And that went on for hours, Liya and I bought different types of clothes from different designer stores while the boys just followed us behind carrying the shopping bags.


"Mateo why did you even agree to this?" Ryan whined like a baby, we where currently in the food court at the mall.

"How was I supposed to say no she wanted to go to the mall so here we are." He deadpanned.

"The mall? Man she took five hours of shopping before we even reached the mall!" Ryan again continued to overreact.

"Umm can you guys quit talking about me as if I'm not here?" Liya chirped in.

"All I'm saying is that you two need to learn to start saying no to Liya." Ryan said while pointing two finger's at Adam and Mateo.

And the triplets all suddenly gasped.
"Are you crazy!" They all shouted at the same time.
Ryan just sighed in exasperation.

"I think that you are just overreacting, she was showing me around and buying some things for me that's why we took so much time and I feel like if it is necessary for them to say no they will do it." I said to Ryan supporting my girl Liya.

"Thank you," the triplets again said that in sync.

'this is so weird!'

"That's why I like you so much. You really get me," Liya said while side hugging me.

"Bestie for life," I said and we did our handshake.
In case you are wondering Liya and I made a secret handshake earlier when we where shopping.

"Oh come on you know what I mean, Mateo and Adam have never really said no to her." He said still trying to make us get his point, and we all groaned in response.

"Your point exactly!" They again replied in sync.

"Do you guys always do that?" I asked wiggling my fingers at the three of them.


They replied at the same time. The triplets said no but Ryan said yes.

"No we don't!" They again spoke in sync.
' definitely weirdos'. My inner voice just had to comment.

"You guys just did again" I pointed out.

"Told you so." Ryan just had to say it.

"You guys are just so annoying," they again said at the same time.
"Stop saying the same things as I'm," they did it again. Ryan and I bursted off laughing.

A few minutes later our orders had arrived and we where currently eating out food, when I saw a red dot pointing on Mateo's shirt.

"Hey Mateo what's that pointing on your chest?" I asked curiously looking around for whoever was doing it.

"Shit!" He said under his breath, and quickly like a reflex action moved out of the way. A bullet missed Mateo by only a few milli seconds and hit the water bottle on the next table.

I was now in full blown panic mode and everyone else at this mall apart from Mateo, Liya, Adam and Ryan. They just looked calm in this whole situation.

"Come hurry up!" Ryan shouted through all the chaos as people where struggling to get out of the mall. Children and women where screaming and running trying to find a safe exit.

Ryan suddenly grabbed my hand and we all started running to the closest exit. We could here guns being fired from behind us, when we reached the elevator, Liya continued to press the button but it wasn't budging. Some men started shooting at us and I heard the boys cursing as they took out guns which I didn't even know they had.

"Liya take Kayla out of here and we will deal with the situation here." Adam said said as they continued firing guns and I held my hands against my ears trying to block noise.

"Let's go!" Liya shouted as she removed a gun from her purse and dragged my hand.

We started running through a flight stairs. We didn't stop until we reached the bottom floor, and I let out a sigh of relief.

We continued running and made our way to the exit. But that's when things went south, a bunch of men holding guns where standing in front of us.
They where all big and scary that I almost peed my pants.

"Handover the girl to us quietly and you may just be able to live and see another day." A huge bulky man said to Liya in a threatening tone, with a smirk on his face.

"Leave this place quietly and you my friend might just be able to see another day!" She said with so much confidence and the same amount of intimidation that I was shocked, cause these men where scary.

"Ok have it your way then, don't say I didn't warn you,' the man said and signaled his men.

"Stay behind me Kayla." She said but I didn't listen, I couldn't let take on all these men all by herself. "I said stay behind me Kayla!" She shouted when I didn't move.

She dragged my hand and pushed me behind her.

In the blink of an eye guns started being fired. Liya stood her ground and shot most of the men but it was like they just kept increasing.

"Shit!" She exclaimed loudly and I could tell that her bullets ran out. She threw the gun to the side and started fighting the men with her bare hands. I was surprised that she had managed to knock out most them.

A gun shot was fired and I saw Liya clutch her stomach and fell to the ground.

"I told you that you are not going to get out of here alive." The man said pointing the gun at her head ready to pull the trigger.

"Stop!" I said as I basically ran next to Liya's limp body.

Author's note 💕

Hey guys what do you think about this chapter 🤔

What will Kayla do??

Sorry for the cliffhanger but next chapter is out next Friday..

Don't forget to please vote and comment. 😘😘

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