Chapter 22 *Don't Walk Out On Me*

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Kayla's POV

"Why are you walking around looking like a dork today?" Mia asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"You have been smiling nonstop and you keep spacing out." She pointed out while popping a french fry in her mouth. "Come on spill." She continued as she eyed me suspiciously. We were currently having lunch in the cafeteria, and honestly the events of this morning keep replaying in my mind and I can't help but blush. Though I was still worried about him, we have our presentation later on today so I was all giddy and excited.

Ashton and Mia were staring at me waiting for answers. "Okay so Londan came to school today." I started, I had already told them what happened last week and Mia wouldn't leave me alone insisting I tell her everything, while Ashton was just indifferent but when he went missing in action they got so angry. So when I mention it they look at me skeptically.

"What did he say?" Mia asked.

"More like what was his excuse." Ashton butted in.

"He was attached." I said, remembering his bruised face and bandaged arm.

"What? How?" She asked.

"I don't know, but he said he  will tell me later." I answered.

"Do you think it is connected to your previous attack?" Ashton voiced out, and now that he said I couldn't help but wonder.

"I don't know.." I replied trailing off.

"Don't you think all this is weird, I mean don't you think it's weird like three weeks ago someone was so intent on killing you they almost kidnapped you, and then all of a sudden it's quiet and Londan gets attacked." She analysed.

"She is right, what's even more fishy is Londan." Ashton said.

"How?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"I mean the guy kidnapped you for no reason, took you to his house. Has guns and you yourself said your saw him kill as well as his so called cousin." He said while eying me before he continued. "The fact of the matter is that Londan is connected to this situation one way or the other." Ashton concluded.

"I don't know guys.." I said while taking in everything the said, was Londan really involved in this?

I couldn’t deny it anymore, all the signs were there. Listening Ashton and Mia might have just made me realize it. The guns, the money, the violence it was all there.

Heading into the last class of the day my head was all foggy and that was the last thing I needed because it was English time and we had a presentation. Suddenly I was not as giddy as I was earlier to see londan in fact I was dreading it. Drawing in deep breath I opened the door to the classroom.

The teacher was not here yet so students were still gathered in there cliques.

“Hey Kayla come here!” I was surprised when Jason called me over to his desk because I had only met him once when I went to talk to londan and he kissed my hand. I could feel my cheeks warming at the memory of it, composing myself I made my way towards the back of the class where he was sitting.

“Hi” I greeted when I got there.

“Hi! I uh so that you were all alone, so I though I would call you over.” He started while rubbing the back of his head nervously, “sit with me” he said in a suggestive tone.

“I normally sit in front” I said fiddling with my fingers surprised by his request. It's not like I don't want to sit with him it's just that I normally sit next to Londan.

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