Chapter 23 *family dinner*

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Kayla's POV




They froze, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"It's not what it looks like!" Liya defended.

"Really?" I questioned raising an eyebrow, "what does it look like?"

"I uh I'm just going to uh leave." Ryan said a bunch of nothing before running out of the room. I am honestly really surprised I had never in my wildest dreams thought that Ryan and Liya have something going on, I thought they hated each other but turns out they like? Love? Or maybe they just enjoy sucking each other's faces.


I know right.

"I need to sit down and process this." I mumbled as I made my way towards the bed, Liya was still standing were I found her making out with Ryan, looking nervous as hell. "So what does it look like?" I asked again I was really curious to know.

"You are such a nosy animal"

Shut up!

"So uh you see, I have known Ryan since I was young we literally grew up together. Besides him being Londan's bestfriend our parents are also partners and have a very good relationship." Liya begun and sat next to me on the bed, she looked torn like she was being forced to remember something horrible.

"You don't have to tell me."

"No I want to tell you," she said letting out a shaky breath. "I had the biggest crush on him when I was younger, but he didn't see me as anything more than a sister and it was very irritating. Everyone knew that I had a crush on him, I made it pretty obvious. But back then it wasn't such a big deal because we barely saw each other because we used to live with my parents, but everything changed when my mom died and my dad changed."

A lone tear fell from her eyes, she quickly wiped it away. I didn't say anything I couldn't I just stared at her waiting for her to continue. "It was a grave loss for our family, for me, for my brother and especially for my dad. The day she died was also the day my dad died and Leonardo was  born, at that time my brothers and I moved to my uncle's house Londan's dad in order for us to be around family and what not. Because my dad wasn't being himself, everyone thought they should give him time to mourn and heal but that never happened instead he started terrorising our whole family. So from that very day we never left my uncle's house, and I got to see Ryan every fucking day I swear at some point I thought he had no family because he practically lived at our house. And that's how my crush turned to obsession then to hatred. My entire family knew that and they didn't like it, my brothers would beat him up whenever he offended me unknowingly or even knowingly. Londan threatened to kill him whenever he got close." She lightly chuckled.

"About a year ago Londan and Ryan moved here from Milan to take care of a few things. A few months later Ryan and I were assigned a task by my uncle, I remember we argued so much on our trip and at some point we stopped fighting. And he asked me to be his girlfriend six months ago but no one knows yet besides you now." She concluded.


"Because at some point everyone became so against the idea of me and him that even the mere thought of it causes a lot of dispute in our families." She said, "but all that changes tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow?" I inquired.

“Every year we have this family dinner, well more like a party than a dinner. All of my uncles associates and partners are invited but the night before we have a more intimate dinner which will be tomorrow night. That’s the reason why I’m here actually and the rest of the family will be here tomorrow as well as Ryan’s family.” She explained and I nodded in understanding.

“Plus if both families are there, there is a chance that Ryan might walk out of the dinner alive.” I laughed at what she said, but when I looked at her face my laughter died down.

“You are not serious, they wouldn’t do that right?” I asked.

“You don’t know my family, especially londan.” She pointed out. Well she wasn’t lying I have only known londan and his family for a couple of weeks and there is something that told me that I do not want to know. “That’s the reason why I’m inviting you to the dinner tomorrow.”

“What no!” I declined immediately.

“Come on Kayla. Please just do this favor for me, as my one and only friend.”

“Why do I even have to come!” I whined

“Because if you are there then London won’t do anything drastic.”

“How?” I muttered with a frown forming on my face.

“You will find out why.”


Yesterday after my talk with Liya I couldn’t sleep I kept on thinking of what will happen tonight.

“Argh” I slammed the door to my locker. I was so stressed today not only because of the Liya and Ryan situation but also my parents left today which means that I have to stay alone again.

"What crawled up your ass this early in the morning." I whipped my head around as I saw Ashton and Mia coming towards me.

"I'm so stressed." I mumbled as they stood next to me.

"Why?" Ashton asked.

"My parents left early this morning and they won't be back for a few weeks." Letting out a sigh I turned around and opened my locker and removed my textbook.

"Don't worry Kayla, everything will be okay. And if it makes you feel any better I'll stay over as much as I can." Mia comforted. Mia and Ashton knew how much I hated to be alone and since the incident, I was still jittery and shaken.

"Thank you guys." I hugged mia and let out a sniffle. I let go of mia and Ashton escorted me to my first class.

School went by in blur, I was barely able to focus. My mind kept on playing the worst case scenario of how this dinner would end. I was also a bit nervous about meeting Londan's family again.

I made my way out of the school, I headed for the parking lot. Liya asked me to meet her their. I saw her standing at a distance and waved at her.

"Aww I missed you so much!" Liya said as she engulfed me in a hug.

"You saw me yesterday." I said with a light chuckle.

"What are you doing here?" A familiar voice asked.


Authors note 💕

Hey guys been having trouble accessing my account.

But here's to chapter 23

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