Twenty Three

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Mariposa hears bonnie's voice chant a spell, but her voice dies down as Bonnie felt her magic slipping away. The red witch drains the Bennett witch, watching in astonishment as white light flowed into Mariposa.

"What is going on in here!"

Hearing the familiar voice, the red witch rolled her eyes as well as felt someone grab her waist.

"Love, you don't want to do this," Niklaus whispered, resting his chin on her shoulder. He brushed strands of hair behind her ear as he said, "As much as I relish watching you put them in their places. I'm certain you'll come to regret your decision."

"I'm sick of everyone telling me what I want and what I don't want to do," Mariposa spoke as she released the witch from her magical grip. "Don't test me again, because the next time he won't be able to save you," she snarled to the three people on the ground who were in pain, and she took Niklaus' hand from her waist.


"Mariposa, you've arrived."

"Mhmm." She took the glass cup from his grasp and examined it. "Gross. Bourbon. You're aware that you can compel a bartender to serve you something good, right?"

"Did you come here to mock my choice of liquor?" he demanded angrily.

He could see her secretive smile even though half of her face was in shadows. "Not quite." She twisted on a long slim leg and carelessly tossed the container onto one of their expensive leather couches. "Is Kol here?" she inquired over her shoulder as she approached the doorway.

Elijah appeared in front of her, blocking her path into the corridor. "It's probably not a good time to ask me about my brother right now."

She sighed. "Why not?" She reached up and traced his white shirt collar. He forced himself to ignore the shiver that her touch sent through him. "Did you two fight? I'm hoping it wasn't about me." She raised her eyes to the ceiling, aware that the Mikaelsons could hear her.

"What game are you playing?" he asked, his teeth clenched. She was acting like a spoiled brat.

She leaned in close enough that her breath tickled the brown strands of hair on his neck and murmured, "I got bored, and well, here you are."

She shoved him up against the wall before he could react or fully comprehend her implication. Her lips sought and claimed his, and for a brief moment, he sank into the kiss, eyes closed, hands tangled in her waterfall of hair.

He felt a brief pressure as the fabric dug into his skin before giving way when she ripped his shirt down the middle. He groaned as her hands slid down his torso.

"I want you to fuck me, Elijah," she said quietly, something his Mariposa never said.

She was directly in front of him, pleading for a good tumble. And every miserable cell in his entire miserable body wasn't completely willing and capable of fulfilling her very explicit wish.

His hands tightened in her hair, forcing her to lift her head from where she was kissing his collarbone. Kisses that burned a path straight to his groin.

"Stop. Mariposa, this isn't what I want, " He was panting. She laughed and cupped his hardness, temporarily driving him insane.

He pushed her away, causing her to stumble. "Not like this." He didn't dare to move or give up the support of the wall behind him for fear of his knees betraying him and giving out.

She scowled up at him, her hair pushed out of her face, her eyes flashing red. "I thought vampires were supposed to be entertaining. I was mistaken."


"I'm leaving," she grumbled.

She was gone in an instant. He didn't know when he'd see her again. He scrubbed his face with one hand and took a few deep breaths to regain control.


"You're not paying attention to me. "She was draining me of life and power," Bonnie exclaimed in panic, "my magic is gone." I don't feel the same way any longer."

"So what you're saying is that you're powerless now," Damon said as he paced around the Salvatore living room, holding a bottle of bourbon.

"I'm not powerless; it's just that my magic isn't working as well as they did when it used to."

"Why would she do this?" Elena questioned, her leg bouncing nervously. "Out Mariposa, she wouldn't do anything like this."

Caroline sighed, "She's not the same anymore, Elena. Her humanity is off."

"Is there any way we can turn on her humanity?" Stefan interrogated the girls. They've known Mariposa the longest, and he believes they'll be aware of her weaknesses.

"None that we are aware of," Elena said, shaking her head. She spoke up for the other girls.

"What if Bonnie could do her witchy thing and look inside Mariposa's head?" Damon suggested. "Once we figure out what it is that causes her humanity to turn on her, we'll find a way to use it against her." Then she'll return the magic she stole from Bonnie."

"Damon, did you miss what was said?" "She just said her powers aren't working," Stefan inquired.

"How about we go through the wreckage of her house and see what we can find?"


This sucks. I don't have any motivation to post chapters on this story, but I'm trying to push through this writer's block.

𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐜, 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 Discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now