Chapter 28

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Moiraine lay on Siuan's bed, wearing a white nightgown of her best friend. Siuan wore a similar one, while she was lying on the bed as well, with her head on Moiraine's stomach.

"Alright, so, the Dark One kind of shielded you AND bonded you to the Dragon."

"Yes." Moiraine played with one of Siuan's locks, while the other woman was trying to comprehend the full story.

"But you didn't know about the bond until the boy fell asleep for the first time."

"I lost my consciousness every time Rand dreamed about the Dark One, and since he had run away, we never knew when this would happen again."

"And this symbol..."

"The ogier noticed that it was actually a run. A protection run, to be precise. He assumed that I could break the shield when I would be in danger and that Lan had to be present. But it never worked. Not when the Trollocs attacked us and not whenever I was trying to touch the source."

Siuan turned on her side and lifted her upper body until she was able to look at her best friend. She cupped Moiraine's cheek in her palm and gently stroked it with her thumb. "Tell me about Kaslian."

Moiraine closed her eyes and turned her head away. She didn't want to talk about her brother. The unpleasant encounter with him and the Whitecloaks was still very vividly in her mind, although she had healed Lan's wounds. "He belongs to the Whitecloaks. We met him and I fought against him after I got my powers back."

"That's what you said the first time. But I know that there is more to this story, Moiraine. What aren't you telling me?"

"Maybe another time."

"Do I really have to ask Lan?"

Moiraine's eyes flashed angrily when she looked at the Amyrlin. "Leave him out of this."

"Then tell me what happened. It has something to do with him." In front of Moiraine's eyes appeared the image of Lan, tied to this wooden construct, while Valda was cutting him with the dagger, and the blood was running down Lan's back. Her throat tightened and she closed her eyes again before the tears were escaping. She had been so close to losing him.

Siuan saw the pain on Moiraine's face. She put herself in an upright position and kissed her girlfriend softly. A single tear ran down Moiraine's cheek, and Siuan didn't wipe it away. "What did Kaslian do to Lan?"

More silent tears escaped, although Moiraine did her best to hold them back, but it was useless. She couldn't shake this fear, which was usually hidden very well underneath her calm mask.

"Oh, Moiraine." Siuan leaned down and kissed away every single tear until she kissed her lips again. "He is safe. You both are safe."

"He almost died.", Moiraine whispered. She barely was able to talk. It was so hard to say these words. No, even the bare thought of him... it felt as if a dagger was pushed into her heart. Moiraine was glad that she had masked the bond tonight. She didn't want Lan to worry, because she was going through painful memories.

"Kaslian tortured him?"

Moiraine shook her head. Her eyes were still closed. It was easier when she wouldn't see the pity in Siuan's eyes. "No. He... was focused on me. He wanted me to channel and when I didn't do it, he slapped me in the face. I tried to explain, but I don't think that he actually believed me. Another one of the Whitecloaks was there with a dagger, and... and Lan he was... tied to this... thing." Fresh tears ran down her face, but this time the Amyrlin was too shocked to do anything but listen. "There was so much blood. And then Kaslian ordered his brother to..."

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