Chapter 32

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The warders and novices started to work in shifts. Even Lan and Nynaeve took a few hours to sleep a little bit before they helped the others again. Slowly, the Aes Sedai were regaining their strength, and soon, some of them were back on their feet to help as well.

The Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah opened the gates of the White Tower and soothed the citizens of Tar Valon, but no one was allowed to enter the tower. They were still on high alert. But the people kept coming and asking for help. The line was long, and when the sun was slowly falling, a man with brown hair and brown eyes appeared with a brunette, who was shaking pretty badly. Immediately, a yellow sister with blonde hair and green eyes was by his side.

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure.", the man answered, while the yellow sister examined the woman "Last night, she suddenly tried to leave our room, without putting her shoes on. And it was in the middle of the night. She said that something was pulling her outside and she had to go. I tried to stop her and put her back to bed, but she didn't stay put."

"Can she channel?"

"Yes, that's why we came to Tar Valon. She is my sister and we just found out about it. We thought that the White Tower could help her with her abilities, and meanwhile, I could learn to become a warder."

The sister of the man was clearly not aware of what was happening around her. She was still shaking and her eyes were rolled back. The Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah shook her head and murmured: "The poison must have made her mad."

"Poison? What are you talking about? Our food had been fine."

"What is her name?"

"Siera. Can you help her?"

"We'll see. At first, we have to get her to the infirmary. Help me." Together, the yellow sister and the man guided the poor woman into the tower and right to the infirmary.

A few beds were empty now since some of the Aes Sedai had recovered. Egwene, who was Nynaeve's second in command was organizing the novices and helping with the sick people. When her eyes fell on Siera, she immediately jumped to a free bed. "Kiera Sedai. What happened?"

"She was affected by the poison. But I haven't seen anything like it before. None of our sisters had shown a reaction like this.", the yellow sister explained, then she shook her head again "Hold her down. I'll get some herbs to calm her down."

Egwene and Siera's brother pushed the shaking woman onto the bed. "Who are you?", the young woman wanted to know when she didn't recognize the man.

"I'm Söwas. This is Siera, my sister."

"She can channel?"

"Yes. She came here to become an Aes Sedai."

Egwene nodded, but she couldn't take her eyes from Söwas. There was something about him, which she couldn't shake. As if... he wasn't telling the truth.

"Your sister said something about a poison. What does that have to do with my sister?"

"This particular poison attacks every woman, who can channel. Some are more affected than others." And now that she thought about it, this woman shouldn't have been affected that bad if she wasn't an Aes Sedai. Everyone, who was new to using...

"Did anyone die?" Söwas' question interrupted Egwene's thoughts.

"Ehm... a few."

"Is the Amyrlin Seat safe?"

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