Chapter 38/Epilogue

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The women of the Black Ajah were all captured, and the Red Ajah was demanding to still them immediately. This time, all the other Ajahs agreed with them, so, Siuan had no choice but to allow the red sisters to still those women. But even after that these women were still a threat to everyone in the tower. They used every knife they could get their hands on until Siuan and the sitters of the hall decided to get them out of Tar Valon. The tower had no vault, which meant that the women had to be split up and transported to different palaces.

Moiraine had offered to take care of Foldera, but both Siuan and Lan had forbidden her to do it. None of them wanted her to get near that terrible woman ever again. Foldera may have been stilled, but it didn't mean that she wasn't able to kill Moiraine when she would get the chance.

When the day came to transport Foldera, Lan prepared Aldieb and Mandarb. Both horses had returned to Tar Valon after they had left them at the Waygate, and the horses of the Emond's fielder had followed those two. The warder lead Aldieb and Mandarb to the entrance of the White Tower when Siuan and Moiraine stepped outside.

Moiraine was surprised to see her beautiful mare, but one look into Lan's stoic face and she knew exactly what this was.

"This is ridiculous." Moiraine wanted to get back into the tower, but Siuan grabbed her best friend's upper arm and pulled her to Aldieb.

"This is only a precaution, Moiraine. Just take the opportunity to get out of the White Tower for a few hours and enjoy your ride."

"Do you two really think I would go with Foldera's little group just to prove that she can't hurt me?"

"Yes.", Lan and Siuan said in unison, and Moiraine rewarded them with a glare.

"I think I'll stay here."

Again, the Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah tried to re-enter the tower, but the Amyrlin blocked her way and pointed at Aldieb. "Mount your horse, leave Tar Valon, and don't return for at least a few hours. This is an order."

For a moment, it looked as if Moiraine wanted to protest. She opened her mouth, then she let out a heavy sigh. It was useless to argue with Siuan about this. And the woman had Lan on her side. There was no way, she would make it back into the tower. After she threw her best friend one last annoyed glance, Moiraine got onto Aldieb's back.

Lan gave her the reins, then he got into his own saddle. Meanwhile, Siuan took a few steps back to give them some room. "Oh, and Lan?"

His eyes found Siuan's, who looked serious. "Keep her safe."

A smile tucked at the corner of his lips. He had understood the secret message. Keep her far away from Foldera's group. "Always, Mother."

Moiraine rolled her eyes, then she pressed her thighs against Aldieb's flanks and the mare moved forward. Quickly, followed by Mandarb and his rider.

Lan stayed true to his word. He made sure that they weren't crossing the path, which would be used by the group of Aes Sedai and warders, which were escorting Foldera and another woman of the Black Ajah. Although Moiraine was sometimes throwing a look at Tar Valon, she never asked him to turn around. Apparently, she had accepted that he wouldn't let her go back.

When the sun reached its highest point, Lan brought them to a little pond. "What do you think about a little break? We could eat something and drink tea."

Moiraine smiled at his words. "You've prepared this whole thing, didn't you?"

"Have I ever been unprepared?"

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