An Enchanted Last Kiss

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December 24th, 1910.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly.
Scotland, United Kingdom.

When the night of the Ball arrived, Theseus found himself waiting impatiently by the end of the stairs. Fixing his dressing robes anxiously. Always pulling the white blazer vest, his bow tie, his sleeves and checking every two minutes the pocket watch his father had gifted him last Christmas.

He fixed the tie one more time, and looked at the clock. He sighed. He was extremely nervous. He looked at the ground but looked back up immediately when he heard the clicks of some heels walking down the stairs.

  And his ocean blue eyes met hers. Her red hair was perfectly placed in a bun on the back of her head and the silver silk dress was wrapped around her body so gracefully that it looked like water whenever she gave a step or when the wind moved it. She smiled at him and he felt more nervous that he's ever been in her presence. Amélie chuckled when she reached the last step and Theseus didn't say a word, but looked at her features with a smile.

"Good evening." He said.

"Bonne soirée." They smiled at each other and none of them could believe you could feel so much at the young age of fifteen. "You look very handsome." She complimented him, making him chuckle nervously.

"And...tu es magnifique? Did I get that right?" She blushed and looked down to laugh. "I didn't?"

"No, no. You did." She looked up and smiled at him. "You did." They stayed like that for a while until they had to enter the Hall.

"Well, are you ready m'lady?" She laughed again.

"I am. You, on the other hand..." He frowned.

"What about me?"

"Your tie."

"Oh." She adjusted it as she giggled. He had moved it a bit too much to the left when he nervously fixed his clothes.

"Magnifique." She said once it was done.

"Thank you."

"De rien." With that, he offered his arm and she took it as they entered the room. They were amazed by the decoration and they were amazed at how cozy it felt, despite having a lot of ice decorations around.

  As soon as the music started, Theseus did that characteristic downwards smile of his and his eyes asked her if she wanted to dance. She gave him a side smirk —that soon turned into a whole smile— before nodding. With that, Scamander brought Rosier to the middle of the dance floor.

  They danced together the entire night, they laughed, cracked jokes as they looked around at the different people, they danced some more. And then something happened. As they danced a slow song, they looked deeply into each other's eyes. He thought he had never seen such beauty in any other pair of eyes and she was deeply mesmerised into his. They were in so deeply into each other's stare, they didn't notice how close their faces had gotten. They simply closed their eyes when their lips collided against each other.

  That's when they knew. Amélie knew he loved her when he ran to Honeydukes to get her favourite candy and wrote a note to gift her for her birthday, and Theseus knew that she loved him when she sneaked into the library to get a book he needed for a task, looked everywhere for it because she wasn't familiarised with Hogwarts' library, and stayed up all night trying to help him get that task done properly.

They knew that love is a terrifying word, let alone, feeling. But they loved the fact that they loved each other. However, none of them would ask how the other one felt and they wouldn't admit how they felt themselves. Even if they've felt like this for months now.

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