New Problems Begin

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August 11th, 1921.
London, England. United Kingdom.
Theseus Scamander's house.

Amélie woke up very early, the second she heard a bird chirping near the small window. She stood up and looked outside, Theseus was laying down on the couch, asleep and with the blankets on the floor. She smiled, walked back into the bedroom and used her wand to lift the blankets and cover his large figure. The sudden warmth of the blankets made him shift position but he was still deeply asleep.

Next, Élie grabbed the clothes she had arrived with and made her way to the bathroom. Once there, she closed and locked the door before making the water run down. She used an enchantment to make the clothes float in the air and iron with the steam of the shower. When the water was warm enough, she took off Theseus' jumper, her underwear, and stepped into the shower. She washed her hair and body quickly and in within fifteen minutes, she was out. Moments later, she dried her hair with a towel she grabbed and proceeded to get dressed.

She had walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to put on her boots before making her way towards the kitchen, she started to prepare some french toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast, as well as some coffee. The delicious scent of the freshly made food, as well as as the cutlery noises, woke Theseus up. She saw him sit down on the couch from behind the counter.

"Bonjour." She said with a smile.

"Bonjour." He said back as he rubbed his eye. "What are you doing?"

"Potions to make you hair grow faster." She said with sarcasm as he stood up and rubbed his lower back that was aching. "What do you think I'm doing?" He smiled.

"Isn't it a bit too early for your sarcasm?" He asked as he yawned and rubbed his neck.

"Never." He chuckled and took one of the toasts, making her complain in French as he chewed the bite, saying he should wait for her to be done in order to take the entire breakfast. "How did you sleep?" She asked with a chuckle.

"Roughly. Told you that goddamn couch wasn't made to sleep on." She chuckled again as Theseus rubbed his neck. He noticed her hair was damp. "You took a shower?"

"Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, consider this place an inn until you leave, only that I won't charge you anything." She smiled and chuckled as he frowned and looked at the toast he had in hand with a tender frown. "This is really good."

"Merci." He nodded, took another bite, and left the halfway-eaten toast on his plate.

"'I'm taking a shower myself."

"Hurry up or it'll get cold."

"Will do." He said as he walked down the hall to get to his bedroom. He realised the bed was perfectly tidy and assumed Élie was responsible for that as he got his black suit out of the closet and walked into the bathroom shortly after he had hanged it over the closet's handle. He showered quickly, in ten minutes to be precise, then, he wrapped a towel around his hips and made his way back into his bedroom in order to get dressed. Once his clothes were on, he made his way to the kitchen. "You know? You didn't have to do this."

"Oh, but I did. I imagined you'd like to go to a small restaurant near the Ministry to get that famous English breakfast, which I do not like, by the way."

"What do you mean you don't like the good ol' English breakfast?"

"Well, that I simply don't. I do not know how you all like that black pudding that much."

"Because it tastes good."

"Well, French toast is better. It's sweeter and you can add scrambled eggs to it, the combination tastes good. I will die on this hill." He chuckled. "Plus, is the least I could do for what you've done."

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