Part 9

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I pushed the bathroom door open angrily, stormed into the room and slammed it shut with such a force that the mirrors on the wall vibrated.
Supporting myself on a sink, I looked at myself in one of the mirrors, as I slowly cached my breath my facial features lost their anger, frustration and tension helping me to relax and finally calm down. To help the process and give me a clear mind I splashed some water on my face and took a deep breath.
I had never liked the blonde boy, but I didn't think that he was such an unbearable, egoistic and controlling bastard...
Suddenly, the door was flew open with a loud bang.
I flinched 
Spun around
My heart raced
After a second I realized who just stepped into the room my throat clenched as I saw his rat face, a smug grin plastered on it.

"WHAT. do you want?!" I asked annoyed, my anger rose in less then a second.
I tried overplaying the shock that still was stuck deep in my bones with one of my iconic eye rolls.
"Show you that you should obey me!" Draco replied angrily and took three big powerful steps towards me, deep folds formed on his forehead while he clenched his jaw.

Although his appearance unsettled me a bit, I tried to counter with a firm voice but it had apparently left me. The "Oh yes and what do you want to do?", I barely managed to voice out sounded very insecure and my voice cracked in the middle of the sentence. The fact the i nervously played with my fingers and backed away more and more also didn't really scream confidence...

As a result Draco just grinned arrogantly and took a few more steps towards me, I backed away even more to avoid our bodies touching until I hit the cold tiled bathroom wall with my back. The panic rose in me what caused my heart to jump into panic mode and beat uncontrollably.
There was no escape route in sight.
The wall behind me.
Left and right the bathroom stalls.
And in front of me Draco approaching me.

"What are you going to do now?" the Slytherin boy asked with a smug grin.
With a last attempt to flee I tried to duck past him quickly but he held me back with an iron grip, now he no longer looked self-absorbed, with an angry expression he pushed me to the ground.
"You were disobedient and now I will show you what happens if you do not obey me!" I tried to defend myself, with my hands and feet, beating around me as tears rose in my eyes. The Slytherin stood above me and began to unbutton his pants while still holding me in place. 

Then he also tried to remove my blouse from my body, when I resisted too much he just tore it, feeling naked I backed even more into the corner between closed bathroom stall door and cold wall and crouched together my legs protectively pulled to the chest and lowered my head.
"Okay since you don't even want give me what you owe me and I want now, it seems like i have to change my ways!" Draco pulled his belt out of the loops of his trousers.
His fist tightened around the leather.
His arm rose.
My eyes widened in fear.
My arms rose protectively over my head.
The first hit connected with my shoulder.
Burned pain shot through my back, arm and especially shoulder.
I almost screamed.
Another one.
And a third.
My eyes were clenched shut, I tasted blood, seems like I drew blood while biting my lip to keep quiet.
"LOOK AT ME!", the voice of the blonde boy was commanding and even angrier than before. Since I didn't think that I could cope with more hits I gave in and lifted my head.

My vision blurred with tears, I saw him standing above me and the pictures I had tried to lock away but were buried deeply in my mind came back...


"JENNIE!" my father was standing in the entryway of my bedroom.
I looked up and flinched immediately afterwards, looking at his face I have never seen him so angry.
"Father" I replied with a false smile trying to calm him.
"What did I tell you?" he asked coldly taking two or three fast steps towards me.
"I-I don't understand" I could only stutter.
"WHAT did I tell you? Why did I just see HER leaving our house?" he sprayed spit with anger.
FUCK! He had seen her.
"I'm- ahm, it's not like you think"

"NO! it's EXACTLY like i think! And I told you not to see her anymore! Let alone meet her in MY house! You did it anyway!DO YOU REALIZE HOW THAT WILL AFFECT ME IF SOMEONE FINDS THAT ILL THING YOU HAVE OUT?! I hope you know what that means?" he said, pulling out a belt.
My eyes widen with fear and shock "Father, PLEASE!" I pleaded.
"NO!" he yelled back"I will not tolerate that you to continue to go down this path and I will make sure that you never see her again! And after this I will find a doctor to see you"

He raised his right hand with the belt in his fist and the first blow landed on my bare leg.
Since i wore short shorts there was no fabric to protect my legs.
I screamed in pain leaned forward and held my thighs, the next blow hit me on the back.

Soon I was lying on the ground screaming in pain, my cheeks covered in tears and my eyes puffy and red.
As my father finally finished and satisfied with his punishment, my T-shirt was torn and bloody, my skin was torn red marks appeared in many places and blood was coming out in some places. 

A/N: sorry this ends abruptly I have to go to sleep but wanted to update today 

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