Part 3

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There is violence and slight swearing in this chapter so if it makes you uncomfortable i advise you to not read this chapter (Also brief mention of blood)

When we arrived in front of the classroom a few minutes later, Professor Snape was not there yet, so we waited in the hallway for his arrival and talked for a little bit.

Hermione, who has always been to Hogwarts, explained to us that we should be careful because not only the Slytherins were annoying but Snape too. She told us that he often preferred the Slytherins and that the Gryffindors in particular should beware of him, if they didn't plan on loosing a very high amount of points. Snape didn't show up at our opening ceremony, so I was curious to know if he was really as unfair and mean as everyone claimed. After about five minutes we heard footsteps and turned around to see the end of the aisle expecting our potion teacher. But when I saw that it was just the Slytherins with Jennie and the Rich Kids leading the little pack, I turned away with an eye roll. Mrs. Slytherin stopped a few meters in front of us and made a disgusted face "As I see the scum is already there," she said in a loud voice and her gaze wandered on to Neville, who looked like he was about to pass out right on the spot. His arm was still in a cast, Crabbe and Goyle broke it and Neville didn't want to experience something like that again.
"And of course the harasser is also here, I'm seriously surprised that he hasn't been kicked out yet. This school is really the biggest shame for the wizarding world, there is one thing you can believe me", she continued contemptuously "if this school did not need anyone to keep the level a little higher and to give Salazar Slytherin the pure-bloods honor I would be long gone" "Me too," Draco joined in, "My father says that we should maintain the honor of our house and this school and when I look around here..." he looked at each one of us, thinking he was scary "I think he is right because I don't know if a bunch of mud bloods have even any clue of what honor is" I swear I saw Jennie roll her eyes at him but that didn't matter now. Draco just insulted my friends again, if they insulted me i wouldn't have minded but there is a line when it comes to my friends and family and he crossed it too often now.
"What's your problem can't you just stop making your brainless comments based on completely outdated views!?" I snapped at them. "Oooooh," Pansy said sarcastically, "You're helping the scum, very brave Weasley" she took a step towards me and Draco followed her."I forgot to mention it Blood traitors are no better than mud bloods, but since you're so smart, you should already know that, especially people like your father and his weird Muggle act he founded to protect his oh so loved Muggles. SUCH people should be in Azkaban", Draco added taking another step in my direction, behind him I saw Jennie... staring at me? Or was my mind playing a trick on me. However Draco, who just came even closer, was more important now, he crossed the line again and that was finally too much."I tried to explain it nicely but it seems like you dont get that, so let me try to tell you in your language. Let us be and Go. Fuck. Yourself." I hissed with gritted teeth "Or your little girl who started this and now cant even face me" I added gesturing at Jennie whose eyes were focused on the ground now. Draco chuckled and gave Crabbe and Goyle a sign, the two instantly encircled me and cracked their knuckles. "Ah yes? Is that so?" says Draco, I nodded stubbornly, which earned me a punch in the ribs and stomach and another one hit my lip and jaw. I expected it to happen but still felt slightly sick at the impact in my stomach, i liked my lips and tasted blood. 

My jaw and ribs hurt but the adrenaline that was now rising in my body and successfully numbed the pain.
I tried to think of a good way out of this situation without risking getting in trouble or receiving more hits but the adrenaline clouded my mind, it seemed impossible to think straight and i only saw one way...

When my fist connected with his stomach he stumbled forward falling on his knees holding the spot were i hit him, his fists clenching his shirt in pain. I just wanted to take a step back and escape Crabbe and Goyle who recovered from the first shock and had now the mission to beat me up. as suddenly a yell filled the hall "APART" the adrenaline vanished and I froze in terror, the students that were standing around us a second ago all took a step back and revealed the view on a man dressed in all black, with greasy hair that was also black and a cloak that made him look like a human bat. FUCK. SNAPE.

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