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This is my first y/n story so bare with me pls :')
Takes place after 001 is electrocuted and reprimanded.

third person pov:

Peter lay curled up on the infirmary cot, his body ached with exhaustion, and his head was dizzy. Bright white lights glared in his face and he clenched his eyes shut with a groan, he flipped onto his other side, wincing when he rolled over his electric burn marks. The nurse lifted his head up and he obliged slowly, his eyes lazily observing her features, brown chin length hair with honey brown eyes, she would have been attractive if she had been thirty years younger. But Peter found comfort in her sagged skin, moles dotted her face, faded smile lines were evident on her cheeks and he could tell she had dimples when she smiled. As he continued to gaze he felt a prick on his neck—his observation was cut short as the nurse removed the syringe from his neck. She laid his head back on the pillow gently as her image went blurrier, he shifted around on the bed and closed his eyes as he got comfortable in his state of unconsciousness.

y/n pov:

After being called to front by Dr. Brenner you'd like to feel anything but nervous, especially as you push open his door and see him waiting at his desk—arms crossed in expectancy. You try to hide your anxiety as you sit before him in the chair in front of his desk, he leans forward and clears his throat.

"Y/n, you've been so helpful to our cause—to our research. I hope you do know that." He says, his calm eyes meeting yours as your hands fidget in your lap, "And since I can place my trust in you I am going to ask a big favor, before I say what it is can you promise you'll hear me out first? It may sound crazy." He said, finishing with a light chuckle.

You give him a reassuring smile and nod,

"I'll hear you out."

Dr. Brenner clasped his hands together and smiled, pushing his seat in further with anticipation, his elbows rested on the table with his fingers intertwined. He paused for a moment before looking up again,

"I assume you know of the blond guard? You've worked with him quite a bit I reckon? He often watches the children in the rainbow room, perhaps you recognize him?" He asked, his brows raised in question.

You think back to before, a skinny blond man had been sitting with a couple of kids—reading to them. His face was quite handsome, and his blue eyes were strikingly recognizable. He had never initiated a conversation, but he never did to anyone but the kids, so you didn't take it personally.

"I do think I know who your talking about." You respond with a nod.

"Wonderful. Well it just so happens that he greatly betrayed my trust today, and I fear he is plotting something, something with 011 to be exact. I disciplined him already, but as he's healing in the nurses I fear that it had no effect." He sighed, his eyes drifted over to some paperwork neatly organized on his desk.

"How can I help then?"

His eyes snapped back to attention,

"Well, you see he joined us very young, and I've seen the way he looks at," Brenner cleared his throat, "Well—attractive, people. So I'm thinking, what if we gave him a motive to call off whatever he's planning, and give him a reason to stay? I'm asking a great deal of you, so please, tell me your thoughts."

"So if I'm understanding of this, you want me to engage in sexual intercourse with the blond guard?" A rush of excitement bubbled in your stomach, "So that he will have a reason to stay, ie; me?" You clarify, blinking a couple times to clear the air.

"Yes, you could also call it a punishment if you like, for plotting against the lab in a negative notion." He holds up his hands in a shrugging way, "That is, if you are comfortable with it. There does not have to be any emotion involved, you could even say it was a direct order on my part if you like, I fear he already hates me enough." De. Brenner sighed while reclining.

y/n x sub! peter ballardWhere stories live. Discover now